The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 5th, 2007

November 5th, 2007

Guy Fawkes ficlet [PG]

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I have to uphold British tradition, because... erm, JKR doesn't?

Title: Guy Fawkes ficlet
Author: Senjy
Character(s): Remus/Severus
Rating(s): PG
Word Count: 876
Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

Summary: Sometimes you need comfort, whatever form it takes.

Bonfire Night – 5th November 1996

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Heya, people. It's just that I'm inexplicably feeling a bit wistful today and wanted to ask for a reccing of sorts:
Which was the first snupin story you remember reading? The one that was so good and interesting that brought you over to the ship? (That's assuming that it was a story and not just logical sense that made you see snupin in HP)
I think mine was The nine lives of Severus Snape by [info]thetreacletart. It was so cute and heartfelt that I began looking for more and more until I was smitten.
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