The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 2nd, 2007

November 2nd, 2007

Dear RP-players,

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We're starting a sort of "afterlife" RPG over at IJ and we're looking for players so we could start by November 15. The main premise is that all characters meet in the afterlife (even those alive in canon, as they'll also die by some manner or another eventually) after building their own version of "paradise". As they'll be meeting people from both sides of the war (even, at times, coerced to mingle), the reunion would be very interesting.

The Remus and Severus slots are already filled, but if there are any RP players here interested in taking other characters, we'd absolutely love to have you. We wish to give our Remus and Severus a home; they met over at TDR, discovered they suit, and now they're begging for a definite place to come together. XD

Thank you for your time!

ETA: *facepalm* Of course, I forgot the most important thing. This is the link to the RPG:

Post O' Shame

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The deadline for first time participants to submit either a gift or an extension request has passed! As of this morning, the following people have not sent me either:


The five of you have 24 hours from the time of this post to contact me with either a gift or an extension request at snupin_santa @ If I don't hear from you, I'm not going to spend days trying to track you down; you'll be removed from the fest, and I'll find a pinch hitter to replace you.

If you've sent me either a gift or an extension request and you're on this list by mistake, please email me ASAP and let me know.

Speaking of which, I need another pinch hitter to cover another drop-out! Again, I need a writer rather than an artist, someone who is willing to write non-magical AUs and angsty romance with happy endings. Please email me at snupin_santa @

Fic: Life Among the Dead

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This was written for [info]pervy_werewolf's Post-DH Slightly Smutty Fest, but unfortunately the way this fic bunnied me, it ended up with no smut at all. McKay was good enough to say I could post it elsewhere instead of scrapping it. I had originally intended to post it on Halloween, but I decided that, since I posted a Redemption installment for [info]lore's birthday on Halloween, this fic would fit just as well an All Souls Night.

Title: Life Among the Dead
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Remus/Severus, references to Tonks/Remus
WC: ~7300
Summary: Remus reaches out his hand and is pulled back into life - by his son, working on behalf of someone who has missed Remus dearly....

Notes: I listened to a lot of My Chemical Romance while writing this, especially The Black Parade. "Famous Last Words" is probably my theme song, ironically enough, for this piece. Thanks to my betas [info]aunty_marion, [info]senjism, [info]thesnapelyone, and [info]lore, and thanks to [info]scribbulus_ink for her input as well.

Epigrams are from the gorgeous and painful poem "How to Bring Someone Back from the Dead" by Veronica Schanoes. Title is from Evanescence's song "Bring Me to Life".

( Life Among the Dead )
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