The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 8th, 2007

October 8th, 2007


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This is a quick reminder to all the first time participants that your deadline is approaching quickly! You have three weeks and two days before your Snupin Santa submission is due on November 1. If you think there's a chance you might not be finished by then, you need to contact me at snupin_santa @ ASAP to arrange a (short) extension.

Also, don't forget that if you participated in Snupin Santa 2005 and/or Snupin Santa 2006 and you want to upload your stories in your own name at the new Snupin Santa Fest archive, you need to do so by October 31 because I'll be closing the site to outside submissions on November 1.

Artists, all you need to do is register your desired pen name so I can post your art under your pen name for you.

Further information about the process is here.

Also, please remember that if you don't like the look of the default skin on the Snupin Santa archive site, you can change it using the drop-down box located at the bottom right corner of the page. It's in the red bar just under "Help", "Rules", and "Contact Us". There are three other skins to choose from.
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