The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 24th, 2007

August 24th, 2007


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Sign-ups for [info]snupin_santa 2007 will close at midnight on Monday, August 27 (EST)! Time is running out, so if you've been thinking about signing up, now is the time to decide!

We have over 50 participants signed up so far and some great requests. If you're having trouble thinking up requests, feel free to browse what other people have requested for guidelines and inspiration. Basically, though, I think the best approach to take is to ask for whatever it is you've been wanting to read (or see, in the case of art) most lately. What's your favorite Snupin scenario? What plot bunny have you had that you'd love to see written/drawn but don't want to do yourself? What cliche would you love to read/see more of? Which story of yours would you love to see illustrated? Which artwork of yours would you love to have a story written for?

Sign-ups are still open HERE and will remain open until midnight on August 27.
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