The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 21st, 2007

August 21st, 2007

Snupin Santa update

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Okay, all NC17 stories and art from Snupin Santa 2005 and 2006 are now f-locked, along with a few rated R pieces that I thought might ought to be locked, just in case. Everything rated G-PG13 is still unlocked.

While I was at it, I changed links to html files and art to the new Snupin Santa website, which I'm not going to point anyone to yet because there's nothing to see yet. I haven't had time to create a proper index, only to import the files from my site to the new site.

As mentioned in the sign-up post, the new site is where all stories and art for Snupin Santa 2007 will be hosted and linked from; nothing will be posted directly to any journaling service.

If there is anything from 2005 or 2006 that I missed and needs to be locked for whatever reason, let me know. If anyone happens to find a broken link, let me know.

Also, I noticed some people have been using last year's sign up template (and I'm grateful for the eagerness that implies *G*), but I wanted to point out there's a slight difference in this year's template. I'm not taking names of people who are willing to pinch hit in the sign-ups this year; I'll be putting out a call if/when I need pinch hitters and taking them on a first-come, first-served basis.

I hope I won't need many - if any - pinch hitters at all. *stern look* But if I do, I'll post here and ask for helpers, and anyone with the time and inclination to pinch hit can speak up then.

For the record, we have just over 30 participants at roughly 24 hours into the week-long sign-up period, which I think is an excellent start. Sign-ups will end on August 27.

ART: A Cup at Parting (G)

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Title: A Cup At Parting
Artist: Irena Candy
Pairing: SS/RL
Rating: G
Warning(s): none
A/N: Felt tip on paper, with GIMP

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