Sacrificed Love
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2012-11-22 23:11
Subject: 100 Text icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, icons: dailyicons, icons: text

And the third claim... since my first Text claim went so well, I decided to go big on the new one :D

Artist: [info]immortalje // [info]love_sacrificed
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I use to make icons can be found here.


100 Text icons )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2012-07-10 22:13
Subject: 28 Text icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, icons: dailyicons, icons: text

So... since the other two tables are going so well and I've been meaning to find something to make myself with Text, I filled up my third sign up with text icons :)

Artist: [info]immortalje // [info]love_sacrificed
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I use to make icons can be found here.


25+3 text icons here )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2012-07-03 18:09
Subject: Icon Tables...
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: harry potter, fandom: sherlock, fandom: star wars, icons: dailyicons, icons: prompts, icons: stock, icons: text

So, with [info]dailyicons being revived after a hiatus and a change in challenge, I now have two icon tables to be filled within a month with daily prompts :D

Artist: [info]immortalje // [info]love_sacrificed
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I use to make icons can be found here.


10 mixed icons )

10 Sherlock icons )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2011-06-01 11:09
Subject: fandom20in20 - Mix and Match
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: big bang theory, fandom: doctor who, fandom: harry potter, fandom: other, fandom: sherlock, icons: 20in20, icons: stock, icons: text

I quit yesterday after Photoshop kept dying on me... and I was too tired to type/code this post. So a real last minute entry :D
I had intended to do all prompts, but as I was running against time anyway and Photoshop just didn't want me to work on them (something about going full screen on an image that was sized to over 100%)

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


25+5 icons behind the cut )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2010-02-03 01:17
Subject: 92 mixed icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: doctor who, fandom: harry potter, fandom: merlin, fandom: other, fandom: skins, fandom: star trek, fandom: torchwood, icons: celebs, icons: stock, icons: text

If you want an icon changed, e.g. (different) text added or whatever, feel free to ask. Any results will be posted

with the next batch.

Subject: 92 mixed icons
11 Mixed (non-icontest): Flowers, Das Doppelte Lottchen, Skins, Doctor Who (End of Time)
5 x botanicalstills @LJ (not submitted)
10 x bwlims @LJ
7 x startrek_lims @LJ
12 x merlinlims @LJ
14 x emmalims @LJ
9 x scifipair20in20 @LJ (unfinished Round 3)
19 x plusone_rumble @LJ
5 x torchwoodrumble @LJ

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


click here for icons )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2009-08-06 17:00
Subject: 94 Mixed Icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: other, fandom: pushing daisies, icons: celebs, icons: stock, icons: text

Sorry for spamming a bit with 4 posts today (because of that I'll be waiting for a couple of hours with promoting)... but I was made aware that smaller batches were better for those that have slower Internet access. And as per usual I keep waiting until I've got quite a few icons saved up.

If you want an icon changed, e.g. (different) text added or whatever, feel free to ask. Any results will be posted with the next batch.

Subject: 94 Mixed icons
04 x Text Icons
06 x costumelims @LJ
08 x models_lims @LJ
20 x bwchallenge @LJ
24 x severalplums @LJ
32 x botanicalstills @LJ

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


click here for icons )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2009-06-29 09:10
Subject: 130 Mixed Icontest Icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: supernatural, icons: celebs, icons: stock, icons: text

If you want an icon changed, e.g. (different) text added or whatever, feel free to ask. Any results will be posted with the next batch.

Subject: 130 Mixed icons
03 x Other
18 x beauty_Still @LJ
19 x object_icontest @LJ
38 x severalplums @LJ
52 x grafx_challenge @LJ

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


click here for icons )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2009-01-20 16:07
Subject: 185 icontest icons
Security: Public
Music:Fanvid "Merlin"
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: disney, fandom: house md, fandom: merlin, fandom: other, fandom: pushing daisies, fandom: star wars, icons: celebs, icons: stock, icons: text

If you want an icon changed, e.g. (different) text added or whatever, feel free to ask. Any results will be posted with the next batch.

Not all of the icons where entered, but they were all with icontest/lims in mind.

Subject:total: 185
icontest list )
Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


click here for icons )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-06-25 12:52
Subject: DW icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: doctor who, icons: text

As usual, I experimented a bit (whenever I loved the colouring/texturing possibilities)...

Subject: 222 x Doctor Who ([info]dwicontest (30), 2x01 New Earth (192) - 2 animated), 3 x Random
Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


icon1822.jpg dw_icontest6_7.jpg icon1876.jpg icon1934.jpg

click here for icons )

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