lore's eclectibles

I made it up

lore's eclectibles

A Moment

I watched her read,
back hunched over
the book, legs
folded, a cocoon
for the pages.

I knew she was
at a good part
when her knees rose
toward her ears.


November 20th, 2006

Fic: Boys Cuming Out! (Snape/Lupin, NC17/NWS)

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Title: Boys Cuming Out!
Author: lore
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC17/NWS
Warning: Porn. Literally porn!
Summary: Remus works at an adult bookstore that has back rooms. Severus is a client. (AU)
Notes: ~2000 words. Written for [info]bethbethbeth's The Snape-a-rama Instant-AU Challenge from a prompt by [info]thisaestus. Thanks to [info]karasu_hime and [info]innerslytherin for beta and hand-holding. Any mistakes left are mine. This was written with the heightened reality of a porn video in mind - all clunky lines are meant to land loudly, some typos and misspelling are deliberate. Feedback of all kinds considered, welcome and needed.

It was the perfect job for a gay teen in the late 70s )

love, lore

x-posted: _lore, lupin_snape, pervy_werewolf, remus_centric, Moonshadow, my GJ
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