Lightning Rapier's Fanfic and Other Whatnots

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10/25/08 05:56 pm - [info]lightningrapier - Heroes - Sylar/Peter & Nathan/Peter - NC-17 - Untitled

HOLY SHIT I FINISHED AN NC-17 FIC I think this is the first time this has happened. Ever.

Title: Untitled
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Sylar/Peter and strong mentions of Nathan/Peter
Rating: SEX
Warnings: Sex, incest, voyeurism, etc.
Summary: Peter is empathic. What's the best way to calm down a worked-up brother?
Disclaimer: Uh, Tim Kring or something. I don't know. :D
Notes: SPOILERS LOL for pretty much up to current. Actually, I already spoilered you in the notes above, so HOPE YOU DON'T CARE LOL

I don't even know what the protest was for, probably anti-abortion, those people are murderous. D: )

7/27/08 04:49 pm - [info]lightningrapier - Resident Evil - Chris-centric - PG - The S.T.A.R.S. Project (Chapter 3)

Title: The S.T.A.R.S. Project
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairing: None just yet.
Rating: PG. For now.
Warnings: Er, spoilers for RE1?
Summary: Chris needs a better job.
Disclaimer: CAPCOM IS MY GOD When I was a kid, I wanted to be a capcom, like, for space missions. Seriously.
Notes: Uhm, I wrote this before I knew what Barry's family's canon names were, so stfu, because I'm too lazy to fix it right now. :D ALSO, LOL, [info]mars_of_war wrote the Wesker in here because she's awesome.

Chapter Three )

7/27/08 04:50 pm - [info]lightningrapier - Resident Evil - Chris-centric - PG - The S.T.A.R.S. Project (Chapter 2)

Title: The S.T.A.R.S. Project
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairing: None just yet.
Rating: PG. For now.
Warnings: Er, spoilers for RE1?
Summary: Chris needs a better job.
Disclaimer: CAPCOM IS MY GOD When I was a kid, I wanted to be a capcom, like, for space missions. Seriously.
Notes: Uhm, I wrote this before I knew what Barry's family's canon names were, so stfu, because I'm too lazy to fix it right now. :D ALSO, LOL, [info]mars_of_war wrote the Wesker in here because she's awesome.

Chapter Two )

7/27/08 04:31 pm - [info]lightningrapier - Resident Evil - Chris-centric - PG - The S.T.A.R.S. Project (Chapter 1)

Title: The S.T.A.R.S. Project
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairing: None just yet.
Rating: PG. For now.
Warnings: Er, spoilers for RE1?
Summary: Chris needs a better job.
Disclaimer: CAPCOM IS MY GOD When I was a kid, I wanted to be a capcom, like, for space missions. Seriously.
Notes: Uhm, I wrote this before I knew what Barry's family's canon names were, so stfu, because I'm too lazy to fix it right now. :D

In the beginning... )

12/9/07 06:20 am - [info]lightningrapier - Spider-Man - Peter-centric - PG/PG-13 - Untitled

Title: None.
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: Spider-Man (3, movie-verse)
Pairing: None, really. Peter-centric.
Rating: Uh… PG? PG-13? If you saw the movie, you’re good to read this. :D
Warnings: Spoilers for Spider-Man 3. If you haven’t seen it by now, you’re not going to.
Summary: Peter reflects on his feelings about Eddie Brock Venom.
Disclaimer: When I made icons of this movie, I totally made a couple of Stan Lee.
Notes: This is to jog my creativity into finishing my other Spidey fic, which is far more juicy and interesting.

In the night, I'm quite transparent/In the dark, I'm such a dream )

12/9/07 06:18 am - [info]lightningrapier - Prince of Tennis - Fuji/Takashi - PG - Gifts

Title: Gifts
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Shuusuke Fuji / Takashi Kawamura
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: It's Fuji's not-birthday, and Takashi has a gift for him. Little does he know, Fuji has one for him, too.
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis does not belong to me.
Notes: So I lied about the burning sex. That was what this was SUPPOSED to lead up to, but then it just wasn't happening and I was frustrated and I'm sorry. >> Next time, I swear. As soon as I figure out how to make it happen believably.

I have what you want )

12/9/07 06:18 am - [info]lightningrapier - Prince of Tennis - Fuji/Takashi (I guess) - PG - Let's Make This Last Forever

Title: Let's Make This Last Forever
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Shuusuke Fuji / Takashi Kawamura... if you squint...
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Takashi has his doubts.
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis does not belong to me.
Notes: This is just a random drabble. I've always really loved this pairing. Next fic I do of them, I promise, will be burning!sex.

This was originally posted to LJ on July 28, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are lying douchebags who clearly don't want my money.

This doesn't feel done to me, but no more is coming. Maybe I'll write a part two sometime or something. For now, here's this.

Moments lasting an eternity )

12/9/07 06:17 am - [info]lightningrapier - Phoenix Wright - Jack/Will - PG-13ish - The Villian

Title: The Villian
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Pairing: hinted Jack Hammer/Will Powers
Rating: PG-13ish
Warnings: Spoilers for case three in PW: AA. Big ones!
Summary: Will Powers just can't believe that someone could ever have ill intentions in their heart. Not even Jack Hammer.
Disclaimer: Will Powers and Jack Hammer belong to Capcom and their creators. Just borrowing.
Notes: This was written for an old temps_mort on LJ prompt, "Obscure characters". I guess they aren't too obscure, but I really wanted an excuse to write them. Written in my call center job training class, because I'm hardcore like that.

Originally posted at LJ on May 22, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are lying douchebags.

Have another drink, my dark eyed beauty... )

12/9/07 06:16 am - [info]lightningrapier - Phoenix Wright - gen fic - PG - This Is Not...

Title: This Is Not...
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Pairing: gen fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Death. I mean, durr, it's Phoenix Wright fic. Also, major spoilers for the fourth case in PW: AA.
Summary: Gregory Edgeworth is an eternal optimist.
Disclaimer: Gregory Edgeworth and Manfred von Karma belong to Capcom and their creators.
Notes: This was written for an old [info]temps_mort prompt in which the story was supposed to start with the phrase, "This is not the worst moment of my life". I ended up using it more through the story. Written in my call center job training class, because I'm hardcore like that.

Originally posted at LJ on May 22, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are lying douchebags.

Put time for my 'objection' on your schedule. )

12/9/07 06:15 am - [info]lightningrapier - Phoenix Wright - Juan/Matt - R - Recipe for Suffering

Title: Recipe for Suffering
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Pairing: Juan Corrida / Matt Engarde
Rating: R
Warnings: As always with Juan/Matt, I warn you of violence, anger, hate, foul language, self-mutilation, and a whole slew of other things. Basically anything bad you can think of? Yeah, it's going on in this relationship.

Also, spoilers for the fourth case in "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All". Major, major ones.
Summary: 100 drabbles detailing the relationship between Matt and Juan.
Disclaimer: Matt Engarde and Juan Corrida are property of Capcom and their creators.
Notes: I really love Juan/Matt, and I really love 100 word drabbles, and I really love prompts. SO HERE'S LIKE A MASSIVE CULMINATION OF MY LOVE IN ONE BIG PROJECT.

Prompts taken from hyakudai on LJ.

Originally posted at LJ on April 23, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are lying douchbags.

I tried my hardest to make these as close to 100 words as I possibly could.

You wanna see a reaction? )

12/9/07 06:10 am - [info]lightningrapier - Phoenix Wright - Phoenix/Edgeworth - PGish - Untitled

Title: Untitled
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Pairing: Phoenix/Miles
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Spoilers for the second game.
Summary: Phoenix finds a way to stop feeling so nervous. Miles uses his investigating powers to let himself into Phoenix's house.
Disclaimer: Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth are property of each other Capcom and their creators, who have, in interviews, stated that there is most definitely "an attraction" between the two. As if we needed confirmation.
Notes: Written for temps_mort on LJ, prompt "music".

Originally posted at LJ on March 05, 2007. Moved over here because SixApart are douchebags. :D

The defense seems to be in love with wishing more despair upon itself. )

12/9/07 06:09 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Rob/Ed - PGish - Play On

Title: Play On
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: The Daily Show
Pairing: Ed Helms/Rob Corddry
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Mentions of sex, slight angst
Summary: Ed invites Rob to hear the band.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart' is property of Viacom, who likes to delete my music videos on YouTube. This is purely fiction. Please don't sue me.
Notes: Writen for contrelamontre on LJ prompt "music". LJ cut text taken from Ed Helm's song "All Gone to Hell", which you can download here, at the band's website.

Originally posted at LJ on February 23, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Won't you stay a while -- a final reverie. )

12/9/07 06:08 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Ed/John - PG - Untitled

Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show
Pairing: Ed Helms/John Oliver (my Daily Show OTP.)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Besides the fact that this pairing is technically kind of, uhm, impossible, I guess, there are none. :D
Summary: Passing time in the office.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. This is purely fiction. Please don't sue me.
Notes: Written for a drabble meme for geekgirlofdoom on LJ, in which I was told to use the word "duck". I decided to be a pain in the ass and actually use "ducky", which is apparently really old British "slang" to mean "darling" or whatever other word you wanna call your lover.

Originally posted at LJ on February 20, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Oh really? And just what five-year-old do I belong to? )

12/9/07 06:06 am - [info]lightningrapier - The Office - Gen (with mentions of Dwight/Angela) - PG - Untitled

Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Office
Pairing: Gen fic (mentions of Dwight/Angela)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Desired violence against Andy. But is that really anything new?
Summary: Jim wants to know something Dwight knows. Andy gets involved.
Disclaimer: The Office, Jim, Dwight, and Andy are property of NBC and the show's creators. I just wanted to write some fic!
Notes: Written for a drabble meme for [info]starstruck_16, in which I was told to use the word "finances". Harder than you'd think.

Originally posted at LJ on February 20, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Gotta know the details, Tuna, c'mon!! )

12/9/07 06:06 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Jon/Stephen - PG - Symbol of Peace

Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show
Pairing: Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Stephen finds a creative way to apologize to Jon for an argument.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. This is purely fiction.
Notes: Written for a drabble meme for geekgirlofdoom on LJ, in which I was told to use the word "olive".

Originally posted at LJ on February 20, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

I couldn't get a whole branch. )

12/9/07 06:04 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Stephen/Ed - PG - Distractions

Title: Distractions
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show
Pairing: Stephen/Ed
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boy!flirting!
Summary: Two surprising things happen that night in a New York restaurant -- Stephen Colbert plays footsie, and figure skating becomes a contact sport.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. This is purely fiction.
Notes: I'm actually not even a fan of this pairing. This was my pre-cursor until Rob finally grew on me. Now he's almost endearing, the asshole. Also, x-posted here at tds_rps on LJ.

Originally posted at LJ on December 8, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Ed, that's figure skating. )

12/9/07 06:03 am - [info]lightningrapier - No Fandom - Stephen-->Paul - G - Kitty Wants a Corner

Title: Kitty Wants a Corner
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: N/A
Pairing: Stephen (Colbert) --> Paul (Dinello)
Rating: G
Warnings: Just a harmless crush.
Summary: The group plays improv games together.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. This is purely fiction.
Notes: I played this game in my acting class all the time! This almost happened to me.

Originally posted at LJ on December 8, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Go ask my neighbor! )

12/9/07 06:02 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Jon/Stephen - PG - Untitled

Title: Untitled
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show/The Colbert Report
Pairing: Jon/Stephen
Rating: PG
Warnings: Manlove.
Summary: Memories of kisses.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. TDS & TCR are property of Viacom. This is purely fiction.
Notes: To me, this feels unfinished, but what can you do. X-posted here at tds_rps at LJ.

Originally posted at LJ on December 8, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

And they didn't kiss anymore. )

12/9/07 06:02 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Jon/Stephen - PG - Fortune Cookie Romance

Title: Fortune Cookie Romance
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show/The Colbert Report
Pairing: Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert
Rating: PG
Warnings: Suggestive boylove.
Summary: Jon wants Stephen to read his fortune. Stephen finds it amazingly appropriate.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jon or Stephen or either of the shows. Libel of the real-life people is not intended.
Notes: This idea came to me randomly and it just happened.

Originally posted at LJ on August 26, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D


12/9/07 06:00 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece & Prince of Tennis - Atobe/Tezuka, Zoro/Luffy - PG - Two 100-Word Challenges

Title: Two 100-Word Challenges
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: TeniPuri, One Piece
Pairing: Atobe/Tezuka, Zoro/Luffy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boylove? But they're both pretty generic.
Summary: Atobe responds to Tezuka's challenge. Luffy tries his hand at being cute.
Disclaimer: I don't really know who owns TeniPuri, but it's not me. Eiichiro Oda, however, owns One Piece.
Notes: I just wrote these randomly, and since I wrote them together, I'm posting 'em together.

Originally posted at LJ on August 10, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Prince of Tennis, Atobe/Tezuka )

One Piece, ZoLu )
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