Lightning Rapier's Fanfic and Other Whatnots

Recent Entries

12/9/07 06:00 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece & Prince of Tennis - Atobe/Tezuka, Zoro/Luffy - PG - Two 100-Word Challenges

Title: Two 100-Word Challenges
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: TeniPuri, One Piece
Pairing: Atobe/Tezuka, Zoro/Luffy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boylove? But they're both pretty generic.
Summary: Atobe responds to Tezuka's challenge. Luffy tries his hand at being cute.
Disclaimer: I don't really know who owns TeniPuri, but it's not me. Eiichiro Oda, however, owns One Piece.
Notes: I just wrote these randomly, and since I wrote them together, I'm posting 'em together.

Originally posted at LJ on August 10, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Prince of Tennis, Atobe/Tezuka )

One Piece, ZoLu )

12/9/07 05:58 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece - Zoro/Luffy - PG - Promise Me, Again

Title: Promise Me, Again
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Zoro/Luffy
Rating: PG?
Warnings: This isn't even really creative, because the dialouge is straight from One Piece. I just dramatized it. I win.
Summary: Zoro makes Luffy a promise. Luffy gets called the Pirate King, so he's pretty happy.
Disclaimer: Eiichiro Oda owns One Piece, and therefore is my god.
Notes: Dialouge taken from episode 20-something (it could join a singles group--!), right after Zoro is defeated by Mihawk. I didn't change the dialouge at all.
Also, Johnny and Yosaku are in this, which makes it fucking sweet. I'd cosplay Johnny if I was cool enough, but alas, I'd fall miserably short. I'm just not that awesome.

I won't disappoint you, Luffy. )

12/9/07 05:55 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece (AU) - Zoro/Luffy - PG - The Problem with Hope

Title: The Problem with Hope
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Zoro/Luffy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boy love! But only cuddles. No sex. I don't even think they kiss, but I could be wrong and I don't feel like re-reading the thing just to find out.
Summary: Zoro gets stood up. Luffy sleeps on Zoro's couch. Nami is a weird landlady.
Disclaimer: Eiichiro Oda owns One Piece, and therefore is my god.
Notes: I wrote this for the One Piece write-in.

Originally posted at LJ on October 15, 2005. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Luffy is totally coming to steal all your stuff. )

12/9/07 05:54 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece - Zoro/Luffy - PG-13? - Can't Get You Alone

Title: Can't Get You Alone
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Zoro-->Luffy
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Unfulfilled LUST! But there's hope at the end. Maybe.
Summary: Zoro needs Luffy. Luffy needs bananas.
Disclaimer: Eiichiro Oda owns One Piece, and therefore is my god.
Notes: First-person, from the perspective of Roronoah Zoro. Takes place sometime between Skypiea and Water 7, though if you haven't read the manga, this could fit in the anime timeline as being somewhere between Alabasta and the Rainbow Mist arc. Joy. There really aren't any spoilers, though. Also, x-posted at temps_mort on LJ for their "Frustrated Lust" challenge.

Originally posted at LJ on May 18, 2005. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

I think I seriously torment poor Zoro far too much. But... it's so much FUN! )

12/9/07 05:53 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece (AU) - Luffy-->Zoro - PG - Partners

Title: Partners
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Luffy-->Zoro
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some implied boylove, like everything I write.
Summary: Luffy holds a conversation with his sleeping partner.
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece, no, but I do kind of own this AU of it (along with teh fabulous [info]luffykins). Still, all characters and likenesses belong to Eiichiro Oda, who I worship. A lot. Love to you, Odachi! *gomu gomu no SQUEEZE*
Notes: For luffykins on LJ. Also x-posted to temps_mort on LJ for their "Injuries" challenge.

Originally posted at LJ on February 21, 2005. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Damn, it feels good to be a gangster. )

12/9/07 05:52 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece (AU) - Luffy-->Zoro - G - Secret Admirer

Title: Secret Admirer
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Luffy-->Zoro
Rating: G
Warnings: None. Unless you're allergic to cute.
Summary: Luffy makes a Valentine's Day card for a special someone.
Disclaimer: Don't sue me, Oda-sensei. I love your work too much! Besides -- it's not like I'm making money. I'm actually kind of losing it, 'cause I could, like... be... working or something. For money. Yeah.
Notes: For luffykins on LJ.

Originally posted at LJ on Valentine's Day, 2005. Moved over for fear of persecution.

Happy Valentine's Day! )

12/9/07 05:52 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece - Ace/Luffy - PG - With You Always

Title: With You Always
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Ace/Luffy
Rating: PG
Warnings: You have to squint to see it, but the fact still remains that any relationship between these two is, in fact, incestuous.
Summary: A quick game of hide-and-seek between the brothers.
Disclaimer: Don't sue me, Oda-sensei. I love your work too much! Besides -- it's not like I'm making money. I'm actually kind of losing it, 'cause I could, like... be... working or something. For money. Yeah.
Notes: X-posted to temps_mort on LJ (for their challenge "curtains") and kyoudai_love on LJ.

Originally posted at LJ on February 7, 2005. Moved for fear of persecution.

Hide and Go Seek! )
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