Lightning Rapier's Fanfic and Other Whatnots

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12/9/07 06:09 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Rob/Ed - PGish - Play On

Title: Play On
Author: Emily [info]lightningrapier
Fandom: The Daily Show
Pairing: Ed Helms/Rob Corddry
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Mentions of sex, slight angst
Summary: Ed invites Rob to hear the band.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart' is property of Viacom, who likes to delete my music videos on YouTube. This is purely fiction. Please don't sue me.
Notes: Writen for contrelamontre on LJ prompt "music". LJ cut text taken from Ed Helm's song "All Gone to Hell", which you can download here, at the band's website.

Originally posted at LJ on February 23, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Won't you stay a while -- a final reverie. )

12/9/07 06:08 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Ed/John - PG - Untitled

Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show
Pairing: Ed Helms/John Oliver (my Daily Show OTP.)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Besides the fact that this pairing is technically kind of, uhm, impossible, I guess, there are none. :D
Summary: Passing time in the office.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. This is purely fiction. Please don't sue me.
Notes: Written for a drabble meme for geekgirlofdoom on LJ, in which I was told to use the word "duck". I decided to be a pain in the ass and actually use "ducky", which is apparently really old British "slang" to mean "darling" or whatever other word you wanna call your lover.

Originally posted at LJ on February 20, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Oh really? And just what five-year-old do I belong to? )

12/9/07 06:06 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Jon/Stephen - PG - Symbol of Peace

Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show
Pairing: Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Stephen finds a creative way to apologize to Jon for an argument.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. This is purely fiction.
Notes: Written for a drabble meme for geekgirlofdoom on LJ, in which I was told to use the word "olive".

Originally posted at LJ on February 20, 2007. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

I couldn't get a whole branch. )

12/9/07 06:04 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Stephen/Ed - PG - Distractions

Title: Distractions
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show
Pairing: Stephen/Ed
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boy!flirting!
Summary: Two surprising things happen that night in a New York restaurant -- Stephen Colbert plays footsie, and figure skating becomes a contact sport.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. This is purely fiction.
Notes: I'm actually not even a fan of this pairing. This was my pre-cursor until Rob finally grew on me. Now he's almost endearing, the asshole. Also, x-posted here at tds_rps on LJ.

Originally posted at LJ on December 8, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Ed, that's figure skating. )

12/9/07 06:02 am - [info]lightningrapier - TDS - Jon/Stephen - PG - Untitled

Title: Untitled
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: The Daily Show/The Colbert Report
Pairing: Jon/Stephen
Rating: PG
Warnings: Manlove.
Summary: Memories of kisses.
Disclaimer: These people own themselves. TDS & TCR are property of Viacom. This is purely fiction.
Notes: To me, this feels unfinished, but what can you do. X-posted here at tds_rps at LJ.

Originally posted at LJ on December 8, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

And they didn't kiss anymore. )
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