Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Jun. 13th, 2009|04:58 pm]
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Who: Juliet and Peter
Where: Her room then the duck and dog
What: Out for drinks
When: 8:30 pm

Peter was always tickled to get out and be social but tonight he was particularly tickled to do so because he had been in the dumps for quite some time. It wasn’t like Peter to let life get to him and for reasons he was doing his best to repress he was going to press on and be happy. He really couldn’t think of a better way to get over his own personal problems then by going out for a drink with a woman. He was sure she’d be gorgeous. All the women here were to die for and even if she wasn’t well that would be just fine by him. Even though Peter was always looking at women he was perfectly capable of having a decent conversation with anyone regardless of appearance. Although, he would like it to be known that good looking company is nothing to frown upon.

At her door Peter smoothed a hand over his grey shirt. Smoothing his clothes out before knocking was a habit of his that he wasn’t sure where it came from. It very well could have been out of nervousness but he never felt nervous in social situations. Perhaps this habit was simply just a habit. He looked down at his shoes for some reason before he knocked at her door and then took a step back. A happy look on his face as he waited, eager to go down to The Duck and Dog.

[Apr. 10th, 2009|11:27 am]
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Who: Andy and Peter.
What: Andy's heading back to her room.
Where/When: Hallway/Mid-Afternoon.
Warnings: tba.

Andy hadn't been on the ship long and already she felt exhausted. )

[Feb. 3rd, 2009|07:21 pm]
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Who: Hannah & Peter
Where: Medical
When: Late Afternoon
What: Hannah seeks out Peter to help with her cold.

NyQuil, Capital N, small y, Big fucking Q! )

[Dec. 18th, 2008|08:59 pm]
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Who: Anke and Peter
When: tonight
What: Drinks
shortest intro ever. )

[Nov. 17th, 2008|10:49 pm]
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Who: Peter and Fabian
What: Working
Where: The Medical Deck
When: Monday morning around 10

I don't need no doctor 'cause I know what's ailing me )

[Nov. 10th, 2008|08:12 pm]
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WHO: Peter and Andrea
WHAT: Banana/strawberry smoothies
WHERE: Banana Boat Juice Bar, Deck Two, Ruby Deck
WHEN: Monday night

Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana )


Text messaging! [Sep. 29th, 2008|12:09 pm]

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Text to Trystan )

Text to Peter )

[Sep. 10th, 2008|11:13 am]

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Who: Peter & Claudia
What: Who knows?
Where: His place
When: Last night
Warnings: Yes

Read more... )

[May. 26th, 2008|10:49 am]
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Who: Peter and Pip
Where: headed to a bar
When: backdated to night of May 25th
What: Kitten ass

Peter was glad to see Pip, who wouldn’t? Pip was the sort of fellow who could have a good time with anyone (if the other party put in the effort) and so was Peter so the two of them together was a big ball of happy, outgoing, friendly fun. Tonight Peter wasn’t too happy which was about as likely to happen as being struck by lightning six feet underground. He didn’t like this feeling of anger. Being carefree and optimistic, happy and gay (in a non sexual sense) was how he liked it be.

Thank God for Pip. There was something about the man that was pure wonderful. Peter was sure drinking wasn’t going to be any good for him but he was still feeling so embarrassed and he might as well get drunk with Pip so he can have the courage to show him his kitty tattoo. Feeling like an embarrassed grump Peter sluggishly left his room to go meet Pip.
“Hey stranger,” he said as he came down the hall.

[Apr. 13th, 2008|09:56 pm]
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Who: Evelyn and Peter
Where: Her room then a bar
When: 10 pm

As usual Peter was excited to be meeting a new person, not only a new person but a new person to the ship who was also female. Peter loved people of both genders but when there was a woman around there was a good chance that he might get a little something more than just a good pal to talk with. Not that Peter was on the hunt for sex all the time but his chances were a lot higher when he was out with the sex that he was attracted to. As soon as he got off of the computer he ran around his room for new socks and for shoes. He just had his hair cut and even though it was exactly as he wanted it he still had to look in the mirror and this whole event of running around took about two minutes.

It didn’t take him long to get to Evelyn’s room considering he was already in his. Before he knocked on the door though he ran his fingers through his hair and smoothed his hands over his shirt. He looked down at his favorite pair of brown corduroy pants to make sure there wasn’t anything on them and then he knocked. Peter could only hope he hadn’t invited a really hot lesbian out to get smashed with. Not that there was anything wrong with hot lesbians he just didn’t even have a chance with them.

Get your hair did? [Apr. 11th, 2008|12:12 pm]
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WHO: Kate & OPEN
WHAT: Getting their hair done
WHERE: The Salon
WHEN: Near the end of her shift, around 6pm

Kate wasn't used to a dead salon, since WAX (her salon back home in LA) was always busy, open to close. )

[Mar. 30th, 2008|10:06 pm]
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Who: Alasdair and Peter
Where: Their room!
When: Evening

Peter was tickled pink when he got the news that he’d be having a roommate. The man was starved for a living buddy. It was nice having the room to himself to take women back to and shag silly but he really loved just having a friend to come home to at the end of the day. At least he hoped this guy would be a good friend. Peter got on with everyone even when he didn’t like them but he’d like to have a roommate that he wouldn’t have to work hard at getting along with.

It had been about an hour since Peter had been off of his shift and he took that time to run back to his room to see if his roommate was there but he wasn’t. The disappointed Peter took himself in the shower since he had to do that anyway. He decided he’d take a long shower because that would pass time and maybe his new roomie would come. He was so excited and curious it was like Christmas for him except he wasn’t going to get to keep his roommate. Though it would be nice if he could keep people since they don’t allow kittens on the ship.

[Mar. 17th, 2008|08:07 pm]

Who: Lorna Franklin and OPEN
When: Monday evening
Where: Slainte Irish Pub
What: Drinking, and celebrating St. Patrick’s day/Lorna’s birthday

The pub was crowded considering it was the last day of their voyage, probably because it was St. Patrick’s day. Lorna looked around, hoping to find some company. She had already posted in her journal asking people to join her, hopefully someone would show. The last thing she wanted to be on her birthday was alone in a crowd. She could have asked Charlie and Melody, but she knew how busy they were with planning their wedding. She wandered over to the bar and glanced around before ordering. Everyone around her was drinking Guinness, but Lorna decided to be a bit more original and asked for mead. She watched the bartender while she waited for the drink. Her eyes widened when she saw the huge mug the bartender was going to serve it and she chuckled, then asked for a glass instead. Once she had her drink in her hand, she looked around again as she sipped the honey wine. Surely there was someone friendly, that she could talk to and drink with, in the bar.

[Mar. 1st, 2008|08:31 am]
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Who: Rayne and Peter
Where: Slantie pub
When: Now! Late. Night.
What: Drinking!

Peter was excited to get out. He had been going to the bars but it wasn’t the same when he was feeling alone and going there. When he felt alone he didn’t feel himself and himself liked to talk to strangers. Luckily he had someone to go with and this lifted his mood. It was also nice that the person he was going to be drinking with was a woman. Peter was fond of women drinking buddies especially if there was sex involved.

Right outside of the pub Peter waited happily. He couldn’t shake the grin from the anticipation of meeting a new person. He had been dressed sitting in his room waiting for someone to take him up on his offer to drink. Yes, yes it was sad that he was waiting but he was lonely and desperate and a lonely Peter was willing to be pathetic all by himself if I meant that it would help him get to where ever he had to go quicker.

[Feb. 16th, 2008|11:58 pm]

Who: Peter and Lilly
Where: illuminations
When: around 9 pm
What: Meeting, drinking, potential dancing.

So today was Peter's birthday and on his birthday he never liked to make a fuss of things. There was also the fact that the official love day happen to be two days before and most people were still slumming and sad and there was nothing worse then a room full of sad people with booze. He was the sort of fellow who liked to wait a few days and then throw a party but he wasn’t sure how he'd throw a party here. Maybe if he could get away with it he might take over the staff cafeteria and get all the staff he could in there and get them very drunk in celebrating the day of his birth.

Now what he did like to do on his birthday was act like it wasn’t. So, here he was now at the door of what he hoped would be a good looking woman. Peter went through his usual ritual before knocking on a door; he ruffled his hair, checked his breath, made sure he didn’t have anything sticking to his shoe or ass. Sure Peter could have checked himself before he left (which he did) but it was just those last minute things he had to do or else he'd be wondering all night if his breath smelt funny or if there was something stuck to him or worse his hair wasn’t ruffled properly.

He knocked at her door and took a slight step back so he wouldn't be up in her face when she opened up the door.

[Feb. 12th, 2008|11:00 pm]
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Who: Peter and Ryann
Where: the kaleidoscope
When: Night-ish, now-ish, 10 pm-ish
What: Meeting, Drinking, all around people-ing.

Peter as usual had been having an excellent day. He hadn't gotten any tragically ill people today that resulted in his own undoing like he had some odd number of days perhaps even weeks ago. Peter was well and happy and all around himself. Singing all day, taking his cat naps to keep energized for the rest of the day, flirting with every good looking woman he saw (which was basically everyone) and a few outstandingly good looking men. Truth be told Peter rarely flirted with men and was doing it even less now that he had Pip to measure the rest of his sex against.

To top off the day or rather wind it down he was now in a bar waiting for a hopefully beautiful woman to show up and have a few drinks with. He wasn’t planning on getting her drunk and having a good shag but lord knows he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea granted if she was good looking. All hopes of a good shag aside he was looking forward to meeting someone new. Sitting at the bar he had already had himself a beer and was working on his second. Peter made sure to sit so he was facing the entrance so as not to miss Ryann.

[Feb. 9th, 2008|07:21 pm]
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Who: Peter and Pip
Where: illuminations diner
When: around 1 pm

Peter was off for lunch and had to go to the diner. He had been going in as much as he could for breakfast. Something about diners even one on a boat made him feel happy inside. True that everything made him happy inside and out but diners made him especially happy. The black and white checkered walls, retro 50s styled everything made him feel young inside. Peter wasn’t sure what he was going to have for lunch so he started off with a giant strawberry malt while he thought about what to get. Everything looked good, smelt good. It didn’t help that he eyed every order that came out and changed his mind each time he saw something new.

Sitting at the counter he was busying his mind with what to eat and his feet where busy dancing as he hummed and sand Rock Around the Clock to himself and to every waiter and waitress that passed by him. Peter was about half way down with his drink and had now narrowed his meal down to a fat juice heart attack burger with fries or a hot dog or pizza or maybe a giant Ruben. He wanted to ask someone what he should get but he didn’t want to bother the waitresses since they were busy working. Importunely there was no one sitting next to him at the counter so he couldn’t ask for help there. The man was left to sing and think to himself.

[Jan. 27th, 2008|01:11 am]
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Who: Malachy and Peter
What: meeting
Where: the sauna
When: Saturday, early evening

Malachy was sure he was in heaven. Though he was in his mid-30s chronologically, when it came to fun and a sense of responsibility, he was closer to a 12-year-old boy than anything else. And this ship...this beautiful, wonderful, American-born ship, was like one giant playground, full of things he had never tried before, things he wanted desperately to do.

He'd spent the afternoon hanging around Slainte, the supposed Irish pub on board the ship. He'd made a bunch of the guests laugh when he'd attemped an American accent, and indulged every person who asked him to say top o' the mornin', even though it wasn't exactly a common phrase in his vocabulary. But he wasn't here to pretend like he was home in Galway, so after a few hours of the familiar, he decided to walk on the adventurous side, lose all of his clothing, don a white robe, and spend a nice relaxing evening in the sauna.

He was alone at first, having chosen a time when most of the guests were off in restaurants, bars and theaters. With a contented sigh, he leaned his head back against the wall behind him, his eyes closed in obvious relaxation. He was still a bit drunk and his intoxication coupled with the steam made him sleepy. He didn't open his eyes to look up until he heard the sound of someone else's feet coming into the sauna along with him. Then, startled, he sat up straight and said, "Oh, hi. Didn't think anyone else'd be in here."

Making new friends? [Jan. 20th, 2008|01:14 am]
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WHO: Erin & Peter
WHAT: Meeting in person & hanging out
WHERE: Starts at her cabin, then maybe the bar
WHEN: Around 8:30pm
OPEN? To [info]peterconrad only.

Erin was always in the mood to relax and have a few drinks. )

[Jan. 15th, 2008|11:06 am]
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Who: Cosette and Peter
Where: Imagination
When: After their shift, late.
What: Drinking!

Peter was on a role with his good mood. First there was Jude, she was a nice girl to have a drink with. Kyle was always fun to talk with in the office. Dean, well, he wasn’t that fun but Peter got a shag out of a stray woman that night so it wasn’t a waste of time. He was loving the female to male ratio of staff members, so far it was working in his favor. Everyone was really nice to him, he was never bored, there was no reason in the world for him to feel down in the slightest. Not to mention right now he was getting drinks at the bar for a nurse he worked with.

Headed back to their table Peter set down Cosette's drink with a smile, "here you are." He took a seat opposite of her and took a sip of his beer. He hadn't had a chance to talk with her nearly as much as he got to with Kyle so there was no chance of a lag in conversation tonight. "It was about time we went out for drinks," he said with a slight chuckle. "Here's to scheduling working out for us tonight," he said as he held up his glass and tipped it to her.

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