Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Sep. 6th, 2009|10:44 pm]
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Who: Lucas & Rayne
What: Watching Boondock Saints. Then, who knows?
Where: Lucas' cabin.
When: Around 11pm.
Rating: TBD
Open? To [info]raynemonroe only.

Lucas had been thinking about Rayne a lot lately. Which wasn't really all that surprising ... the two of them had been going out for a long time. )

[Jun. 7th, 2009|12:48 am]
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Who: Lucas & Rayne
What: Swimming, relaxing together.
Where: Rayne's cabin, then the pool. Then probably her cabin again.
When: Around 8pm.
Rating: Probably PG-13, maybe higher. Who knows?
Open? To [info]raynemonroe only.

Well, bless my soul. You're a lonely soul. Cuz you won't let go of anything you hold. All I need is the air I breathe, and a place to rest my head. )

[Mar. 17th, 2009|03:19 pm]
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Who: Max Beckett && OPEN to multiple threads
What: Celebrating his promotion!
Where: The Duck & Dog
When: Tuesday Night -- ST. PATRICK'S DAY!

So what if he was Australian? He was Irish tonight. Everyone was )

[Mar. 12th, 2009|06:06 pm]
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WHO: Lucas & Rayne
WHAT: Arcade fun, then who knows?
WHERE: ALL over, haha.
WHEN: About 7pm.
OPEN? To [info]raynemonroe only.

Lucas had been incredibly busy lately, between work and hanging out with his sister, that he hadn't been able to spend a lot of time with Rayne. )

[Sep. 2nd, 2008|02:39 am]

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WHO: Sara Lynn and Rayne
WHERE: Sun terrace, Deck 2, Ruby Deck
WHAT: First meeting & pictures exchange
WHEN: Tuesday, late morning
WARNINGS/STATUS: None / Incomplete

See the world in green and blue / See China right in front of you )


[Sep. 1st, 2008|01:24 am]
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Who: Rayne and Lucas
What: Reunion
Where: Her cabin
When: Sunday night
Status: Open to [info]lucas_anders only.

I've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter, but my world gets weak, and my words, they just scatter... )

[Jul. 15th, 2008|10:33 pm]
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Who: Rayne and Lucas
What: Comedy marathon!
Where: His cabin
When: Tuesday night
Status: Open to [info]lucas_anders

Slow me down. Just show me how. 'Cause I'm ready to fall. Slow me down. Don't let me live a lie. Before my life flies by, just slow me down. )

[Jun. 12th, 2008|12:59 am]
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Who: Rayne Monroe and Lucas Anders
What: Movie night, and I'm thinking a little flirting too!
Where: His cabin
When: June 11th, 8pm
Status: Open to [info]lucas_anders only

So don't make me wait, Honey/Don't make me say it out loud/Don't hesitate now, Honey/Or it will all fall down )

[May. 1st, 2008|02:54 am]
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Who: Connor and Rayne
What: Talking in person!
Where: Terrace on the Aquamarine Deck
When: Very late Wednesday night

On the terrace! )

[Apr. 21st, 2008|06:03 pm]
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WHO: Lucas & Rayne
WHAT: Hanging out & watching Just Friends
WHERE: Rayne's cabin
WHEN: Around 7pm
OPEN? To [info]raynemonroe only.

Lucas was pretty stoked to have some company for watching a movie tonight, since he had been pretty bored as of lately. )

[Apr. 17th, 2008|10:20 pm]
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Who: Jacob, OTA
What: Being Restless
Where: Terrace, Aquamarine Deck
When: Thursday evening

Upset wasn't really the word to use to describe Jacob's mood. Frustrated would be the better term, he supposed. Frustrated to the point he'd taken it out on a wall in his cabin, leaving his knuckles bloody and bruised. He'd wrapped them in a bandage though, after the manly show of frustration, and left lest he do himself more damage. Instead he'd trekked to the Aquamarine deck, heading out onto the terrace. The young man pulled a chair up to the railing and sat down, crossing his arms over his chest. Staring out at the dark, calm ocean he inhaled the salty sweet smell he'd come to respect.

He put his feet against the railing and slid down in the chair a little, blue eyes gleaming in the crystal clear moonlight from the nearing full moon in the sky. The wind made him shiver but outside of that he remained perfectly still, lost in thought.

[Mar. 1st, 2008|08:31 am]
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Who: Rayne and Peter
Where: Slantie pub
When: Now! Late. Night.
What: Drinking!

Peter was excited to get out. He had been going to the bars but it wasn’t the same when he was feeling alone and going there. When he felt alone he didn’t feel himself and himself liked to talk to strangers. Luckily he had someone to go with and this lifted his mood. It was also nice that the person he was going to be drinking with was a woman. Peter was fond of women drinking buddies especially if there was sex involved.

Right outside of the pub Peter waited happily. He couldn’t shake the grin from the anticipation of meeting a new person. He had been dressed sitting in his room waiting for someone to take him up on his offer to drink. Yes, yes it was sad that he was waiting but he was lonely and desperate and a lonely Peter was willing to be pathetic all by himself if I meant that it would help him get to where ever he had to go quicker.

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