Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Feb. 15th, 2009|08:59 pm]
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WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Spending time together
WHERE: Ethan's cabin
WHEN: Sunday night
RATING: TBD. Probably high.
OPEN? To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

She couldn't stop thinking about him all the time and she absolutely loved spending time with him. )

[Dec. 28th, 2008|02:02 pm]
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Who: Ethan and Erin
What: Hanging out
Where: Ethan's Office
When: This weekend
Warnings: With these two? Very likely.

Ethan had a few loose ends to tie up in his office, but nothing that couldn't wait. He kept his computer out, typing away on a report, while he waited for Erin to come down. He knew it wouldn't take her too long. At least he hoped. He shifted, finding he had a harder time concentrating now that he knew Erin was on her way down. He'd never brought her to his office before, but he had a sudden urge to break in his desk. Then he could think of what they did there, when he was trying to work later...

He looked up when she came in, and smile. He pushed the lid down on his lap top, not even caring if his work was saved or lost. "Hey."

[Nov. 21st, 2008|01:32 pm]
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Who: Dylan and Erin
What: Puppy!
Where: Dylan's cabin
When: Friday afternoon

Here I am, once again )

Birthday date night. [Nov. 15th, 2008|12:13 am]
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WHO: Ethan & Erin
WHAT: Celebrating Ethan's birthday.
WHERE: Buona Sera Italian Restaurant
WHEN: Around 630pm.
OPEN? To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

It had been a really long time since there was a birthday that Erin thought was worth celebrating. )

[Sep. 23rd, 2008|11:29 pm]
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Who: Ethan and Erin
What: Being together
When/Where: Tonight, his cabin
Warnings: Fluff and smut XD

Ethan wasn't terribly mobile. He could walk on his sore foot, but he tried not to get up on it any more than necessary. The clinic had given him pain killers, and the bottle sat untouched on the table by his bed. He didn't want to give in to the temptation to take the pills. he wasn't in that much pain.

And, now he was waiting for Erin to come down. That was enough to distract him from the pain all together. He twiddled his thumbs, and though his eyes kept looking to the door, he tried to force himself to think of something else. Everything he thought came back to Erin.

He couldn't deny it any longer. He was in love.

A date? Not a date? [Jul. 14th, 2008|10:12 am]
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WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Having dinner … a date?
WHERE: Buona Sera Italian Restaurant, then who knows?
WHEN: Around 7pm
RATING: Not for the kiddies.
OPEN? To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

This feels strangely like a date … )

[Jul. 6th, 2008|09:50 pm]
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Who: Ace & Erin
What: Dinner and a booty call
When: Sunday night
Where: starting out at Buona Sera Italian Restaurant on Deck Three

With just one look I was a bad mess 'cause that long cool woman had it all )

[Jun. 17th, 2008|11:54 pm]
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Who: Dexter Valentine and Erin Reily
What: Umm... Let's just say the sexual tension... won't be tension any more if he has anything to do with it.
When: Monday, June 16th, evening
Where: His cabin
Rating: NC-17, I'm pretty sure.
Status: Open to [info]erin_reily only

I want to kiss you/But I want it too much/I want to taste you/But your lips are venomous poison )

[May. 24th, 2008|10:20 pm]
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Who: Jay & OPEN
Where: Amethyst deck
What: Jay is trying to find the casino, which is on the Coral Deck
When: Saturday night

He had known from the moment he set foot on this boat that eventually this was going to happen. And the fact that he had made it nearly a full week on board without it happening was pretty impressive now that he thought about it. But it did not change the fact that Jason Randall was now completely and totally lost somewhere on the Amethyst Deck, when he wasn't even sure how he had gotten there in the first place. What he had been looking for was the casino. In his entire life, he had gambled maybe once, aside from buying Lotto tickets, and he just knew that all his buddies back home would never forgive him if he didn't try winning some money in a big fancy place like this. But now that he had walked up and down this deck twice, he was fairly certain he had gotten off the elevator at the wrong time, and he had no idea where he was or how to get where he wanted to go from here.

Thankfully, though, the corridor was far from deserted, and when he saw someone heading his way who was clearly not a guest, he held up a hand and called out, "Hey, excuse me there. Could you help me out? I'm new, and I've gotten myself all turned around here."

[May. 17th, 2008|11:58 pm]
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Who: Ethan and Erin
What: Games and hydration
Where: Erin's cabin
When: This weekend
Warnings: None yet

Ethan happily gathered together his Wii and a couple drink options (water, ginger ale, sprite) and headed over to Erin's cabin. He'd enjoyed the banter they'd exchanged back and forth, and he hpoped she wasn't getting sick, after all. If she was getting sick, he hoped he didn't get sick right behind her, from exposure, but even if he did, he thought, spending some quality time with her now would be worth it.

He struggledf to balance the things he carried to free his hand to open her door. "Knock knock, the stay healthy fairy has arrived," he announced as he let himself in.

[May. 12th, 2008|02:55 pm]
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Who: Dexter Valentine and Erin Reily
What: Irritating others? And probably each other.
Where: Top Deck
When: Sunday, May 11th
Rating: R for language for sure; Possibly higher
Open: To [info]erin_reily only.

I need a boy like you like a hole in my head. )

Hanging out. [Apr. 16th, 2008|08:59 pm]
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WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Hanging out, helping with aloe.
WHERE: Erin's cabin.
WHEN: Around 9pm.
OPEN? To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move, check it out I'm rockin' steady, GO! )

[Mar. 24th, 2008|05:05 pm]

Who: Sam and Erin
Where: her cabin
When: Monday night around 8 ish
What: Star Wars and other things?
Rating: TBD


[Feb. 14th, 2008|11:45 pm]

Who: Vic & Erin
What: Valentine's date
Where: The Kaleidoscope, Deck Five
When: Thursday evening

Vic was not at all disappointed with his decision to spend Valentine's Day with Erin. Truth be told, he had seen her around the bars several times, on his random drunken jaunts around the ship, and he definitely thought she was hot. She was a little bit older than the women Vic had been chasing lately - at 28, he was pretty sure Chelsea was the oldest of his sexual interests - but with a body like that, he didn't care if she was 75. She was going to be amazing in bed, he just knew it. And she was a redhead. There was a special place in Vic's heart - and pants - for women with red hair.

He stood at the bar, waiting for their first round of drinks, which he had ordered just moments before. As the bartender filled the drink order, he found himself watching Erin and smiling. He loved being on a date. He loved looking at the beautiful woman who was on the date with him. He loved being at sea and knowing that no one knew who he really was or where he really came from. And he loved knowing they would go to bed later, that all of this was a precursor to excellent sex.

Finally, the bar tender placed two glasses on the bar. Vic paid him and then went back to the table. "Finally," he told Erin, handing her the glass containing the drink she had requested. "It was damn near impossible to get served up there," he complained. "I was afraid some guy would come along and snatch you up," he teased with a grin. "But I guess all the guys who walked by must have been gay or something."

Fancy a drink? [Feb. 10th, 2008|10:19 pm]
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WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Meeting
WHERE: The bar
WHEN: Around midnight
OPEN: To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

So far, Erin's shift at the bar had been relatively uneventful. )

[Feb. 1st, 2008|04:10 pm]

WHO: Erin & OPEN
WHAT: Probably meeting.
WHERE: Top deck
WHEN: 2pm
OPEN? Yes!

After getting off work last night around 2am, Erin decided that it had been too long since she'd gotten drunk and had a good time with some friends. )

Making new friends? [Jan. 20th, 2008|01:14 am]
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WHO: Erin & Peter
WHAT: Meeting in person & hanging out
WHERE: Starts at her cabin, then maybe the bar
WHEN: Around 8:30pm
OPEN? To [info]peterconrad only.

Erin was always in the mood to relax and have a few drinks. )

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