Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Feb. 15th, 2009|08:59 pm]
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WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Spending time together
WHERE: Ethan's cabin
WHEN: Sunday night
RATING: TBD. Probably high.
OPEN? To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

She couldn't stop thinking about him all the time and she absolutely loved spending time with him. )

[Dec. 28th, 2008|02:02 pm]
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Who: Ethan and Erin
What: Hanging out
Where: Ethan's Office
When: This weekend
Warnings: With these two? Very likely.

Ethan had a few loose ends to tie up in his office, but nothing that couldn't wait. He kept his computer out, typing away on a report, while he waited for Erin to come down. He knew it wouldn't take her too long. At least he hoped. He shifted, finding he had a harder time concentrating now that he knew Erin was on her way down. He'd never brought her to his office before, but he had a sudden urge to break in his desk. Then he could think of what they did there, when he was trying to work later...

He looked up when she came in, and smile. He pushed the lid down on his lap top, not even caring if his work was saved or lost. "Hey."

Birthday date night. [Nov. 15th, 2008|12:13 am]
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WHO: Ethan & Erin
WHAT: Celebrating Ethan's birthday.
WHERE: Buona Sera Italian Restaurant
WHEN: Around 630pm.
OPEN? To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

It had been a really long time since there was a birthday that Erin thought was worth celebrating. )

[Sep. 23rd, 2008|11:29 pm]
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Who: Ethan and Erin
What: Being together
When/Where: Tonight, his cabin
Warnings: Fluff and smut XD

Ethan wasn't terribly mobile. He could walk on his sore foot, but he tried not to get up on it any more than necessary. The clinic had given him pain killers, and the bottle sat untouched on the table by his bed. He didn't want to give in to the temptation to take the pills. he wasn't in that much pain.

And, now he was waiting for Erin to come down. That was enough to distract him from the pain all together. He twiddled his thumbs, and though his eyes kept looking to the door, he tried to force himself to think of something else. Everything he thought came back to Erin.

He couldn't deny it any longer. He was in love.

[Jul. 25th, 2008|05:21 pm]
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What: Waiting for people to make plans
Where: The Duck N'Dog
When: Friday evening

The Duck N'Dog was empty except for one, lone figure sitting at a bunch of tables that had been pushed together. On them were layouts of the ship, each deck, and what rooms were empty. He was scanning over them, sunglasses on his head, looking a bit stressed. So Artem's kid had managed to get on the ship - that had to mean the rest of the family was there too. Meaning? Big trouble for him and the majority of people on the ship. Scouring over the paperwork he tried to figure out where they'd be keeping the hostages - and the best way to search every room without being detected or putting anyone else at risk.

At his hip in a holster was a glock.

Making a little distressed noise he helped himself to a sip of beer, needing something to help him think. The bastards had taken at least five hostages and a child, probably more by now. He needed an 'in'. He needed some way to get messages to the hostages without alerting the mobsters. Oh he could feel the headache coming already.

A date? Not a date? [Jul. 14th, 2008|10:12 am]
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WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Having dinner … a date?
WHERE: Buona Sera Italian Restaurant, then who knows?
WHEN: Around 7pm
RATING: Not for the kiddies.
OPEN? To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

This feels strangely like a date … )

[May. 17th, 2008|11:58 pm]
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Who: Ethan and Erin
What: Games and hydration
Where: Erin's cabin
When: This weekend
Warnings: None yet

Ethan happily gathered together his Wii and a couple drink options (water, ginger ale, sprite) and headed over to Erin's cabin. He'd enjoyed the banter they'd exchanged back and forth, and he hpoped she wasn't getting sick, after all. If she was getting sick, he hoped he didn't get sick right behind her, from exposure, but even if he did, he thought, spending some quality time with her now would be worth it.

He struggledf to balance the things he carried to free his hand to open her door. "Knock knock, the stay healthy fairy has arrived," he announced as he let himself in.

Hanging out. [Apr. 16th, 2008|08:59 pm]
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WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Hanging out, helping with aloe.
WHERE: Erin's cabin.
WHEN: Around 9pm.
OPEN? To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move, check it out I'm rockin' steady, GO! )

Ethan/Clara [Apr. 5th, 2008|09:12 pm]

Who: Ethan/Clara
What: Clara has news
When: Saturday night
Where:Ethan's cabin

She wasn't sure how she felt about it all yet )

Fancy a drink? [Feb. 10th, 2008|10:19 pm]
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WHO: Erin & Ethan
WHAT: Meeting
WHERE: The bar
WHEN: Around midnight
OPEN: To [info]ethan_phoenix only.

So far, Erin's shift at the bar had been relatively uneventful. )

Clara /Ethan [Jan. 14th, 2008|11:00 pm]

What:a random run in
Where:staff deck
When: Backdated to Monday evening.

Clara was slowly adjusting to the new job and she'd begun to realize that although she didn't particularity want the responsibility, she enojyed the being in charge aspect of it. Jeremy had been right in one respect, this was a job she kenw well and without even realizing it she'd been being groomed for this business her entire life. It was a nice feeling to be successful at something and Clara was enjoying the light mood. A mood that had only been aided by the anticipation of her date the next day with Nicholas. She couldn't' decide if pouring her heart out to him letter form was her bravest or weakest moment but what was done was done and she couldn't change it. She'd given him the out he never had to mention any of what she'd said and she'd at least gotten it off her chest. She could look forward to the day with him with anticipation rather than trepidation. Her talk with Annie had helped and she felt maybe she could open up to him and they could regain some of that feeling they'd had before. Back when all she wanted to do was share things with him. Only it would be made a bit better considering their current relationship.

For being a good girl the last couple of days (and because he felt sorry for yelling at her) Jeremy had surprised Clara and Leslie both with an evening at the spa after Clara had gotten off work. And after the few hours of pampering Clara and girl talk with her sister-in-law Clara was not only in a good mood, she was relaxed as she made her way down the corridor to her room. Jeremy would be there soon dropping Missy off so he could enjoy time with his newly relaxed wife (and inevitably tease her about being buffed, waked and polished like a car much like Clara knew he would her when he arrived). It would be a good night Clara decided as she walked down the corridor, She'd spoil and indulge Missy for a few hours and the next day she had completley off she'd drop Missy off with the youth counselor's in the morning and then her little girl had a play date with a new friend that the friends parents assure her cold last until Clara's date was over and she was ready to pick her up.

Clara spotted the familiar form of the tall broad shouldered dark haired man approaching her and she greeted him with a genuinley warm smile. They had said they would be friends and Clara sincerely hopes that they could stick to that . She had cared for Ethan when they were dating and she still did, she just hadn't been swept off her feet by him.

[Jan. 12th, 2008|10:31 pm]
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Who: Ethan and Allison Phoenix
What: Sibling Bonding
When: This weekend

Ethan had a little spring in his step, as he made his way to his sister's cabin. She wasn't expecting him, and he could only hope she wasn't off somewhere, and that she wasn't busy. He wanted to spend the afternoon with her, reconnect. He whistled, and caught himself going the wrong way. Turning around, he headed back down the hallway that would lead to Allison's cabin. He wasn't getting lost much any more, but he still got a little turned around from time to time, especially if he wasn't paying attention.

Smiling to himself, he reached up to knock on the door. He didn't see his sister nearly enough, for the two of them working on a ship. It wasn't like there were many places to go, they were bound to run in to each other from time to time. But sometimes, Ethan felt the need to take matters into his own hands and seek Allison out.

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