Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Dec. 11th, 2008|08:33 pm]
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Who: Dylan Sandford and Dean Harper
What: Getting beaten up
Where: Just outside of his cabin
When: Thursday evening
Rating: PG-13 for violence

One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya )

[Nov. 30th, 2008|05:20 pm]
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To: Dean Harper
From: Dylan Sandford

Letters from war )

[Oct. 22nd, 2008|01:20 am]
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Who: Dean & Dylan
What: getting Dylan back?
Where: Ace's cabin
When: Tuesday evening

It's sad, so sad, why can't we talk it over? Oh it seems to me that sorry seems to be the hardest word )

[Oct. 19th, 2008|11:29 pm]
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Who: Dean and Pip
What: Dean needs a friend
Where: Pip's cabin
When: Sunday night

Who can I turn to when nobody needs me? )

[Oct. 7th, 2008|01:03 am]
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Who: Dean & Dylan
What: Dylan's proposing!
Where: Top Deck
When: Sunday night [backdated]

I'm tumbling inside, I'm happiest when you are next to me, but I'm still on the outside ...am I obsessed or will you marry me? )

[Oct. 6th, 2008|01:23 am]
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Who: Dean & Chelsea
What: Random encounter
Where: In the hot tub
When: Sunday, right after work

Sometimes, when Dean's day had been particularly stressful, he stopped by the hot tub to relax for a little while before heading back to his and Dylan's cabin. It made him feel good to soak in the water, allowing the warmth of it to loosen the day's worries from his body and relax him so that when he went home, he was in a good mood and ready to spend time with his boyfriend.

Today had not been particularly stressful, but he was still in the mood for a good soak, so after leaving the library, he quickly changed into his trunks and went directly to the hot tub. He had been looking forward to having the whole place to himself, as he often did during the guests' dinner hour, so he was more than a little bit disappointed when he arrived and found that someone else - a woman he didn't really recognize - was already there. He wasn't sure if she would react well to being interrupted by a stranger, so he hovered awkwardly in the doorway and waited to see if she looked up.

[Aug. 26th, 2008|09:40 pm]
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Who: Dean & Dylan
What: Reunion
Where: Thailand
When: Tuesday

Winded by the fruitless chase until I saw you face to face, Together finally the dog caught up with the rabbit is laughing hysterically )

email to Dylan [Jul. 28th, 2008|04:19 pm]
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To: [info]dylansandford
From: [info]deanharper
Subject: Missing you )

[Jun. 30th, 2008|02:02 am]
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Who: Dean & Dylan
What: talking and fighting insomnia
Where: Dylan's cabin
When: Sunday night

Tell me are you gonna cry all night / Tell me the truth, and I’ll tell you the truth / If you gamble everything for love / You gonna be alright, alright )

[Jun. 22nd, 2008|06:42 pm]
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Who: Dean & Dylan
What: shopping for a dress
Where: the mall on the Platinum Deck
When: Sunday afternoon
Warning: They're shopping for a dress for Dean to wear during sex. Read at your own discretion.

Let me cover you with velvet kisses, I'll create a look that's made for you )

[Jun. 16th, 2008|08:32 pm]
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Who: Dean & Tammi
What: first meeting
Where: Java Jive Cafe, Deck Fourteen (The Onyx Deck)
When: Monday, early evening

` ` ` )

[May. 16th, 2008|10:05 pm]
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Who: Dylan and Dean
What: Lovely snuggling
Where: Dylan's cabin
When: Friday night
Warnings: Man snuggling and kissing.

Dean's poem had made his heart flutter pathetically and he found himself craving the other man right then and there. Their relationship was obviously evolving and though it scared him to death, he wanted to go with it. He wanted to feel something real and meaningful in his life and Dean was going to give that to him, it seemed. Pacing in his room, clad in a pair of jeans, he waited for Dean to make an appearance.

[May. 1st, 2008|09:08 pm]
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Who: Dylan and Dean
What: Sex. Ha.
Where: Dean's room
When: Wednesday evening
Warnings: Sex. xD

Dylan walked down the corridor toward Dean's room, humming to himself. Really, this relationship thing with Dean was working out well. The other man never seemed to run out of energy, always seemed up for anything and didn't mind that Dylan was, deep down, a good for nothing bastard. Dressed in a pair of tight leather pants and a sleeveless button up shirt that was unbuttoned (why dress up when you were just going to get naked again?), he walked up to the door of Dean's cabin and knocked once.

"I do hope you are naked, Dean. I will be disappointed if you aren't." With that, he opened the door.

[Apr. 18th, 2008|01:12 pm]
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Who: Harper siblings (Gene should jump in whenever he has a moment!)
What: unpleasantness during lunch
Where: Coral dining room, during staff dining hours
When: Friday, 4/18, mid-afternoon
Note: I hope this is okay. I know we have been talking about doing this, and I am a procrastinator, so I figured I'd better just post it!

Dean was ready to go up to the top deck and throw himself overboard. What was the point, anyway? Sure, he was regularly having sex now, and that was amazing. And he had found that wonderful copy of Gulliver's Travels, which, even if he hadn't been able to keep it, had still sparked his love of literature in a way that it hadn't been sparked in a long time. The things he cared about most were stable, if not leaning toward happy.

But it seemed that everything else was crashing down on him. His family was here, which was enough to give him headaches and insomnia. And his staff was absolutely out of control, finding new ways to terrorize him on a daily basis. The latest prank, after the whoopie cushions, had been a water gun fight. Using Kool-Aid instead of water. Which Dean walked through unawares, causing his formerly white dress shirt to be stained with streaks of nasty pink. He was still wearing the shirt now as he selected an empty table in the far corner of the room, trying to blend in and not call attention to the fact that his shirt was now ruined. All his other work shirts had been picked up by the laundry department that morning; he was stuck with the stained one until further notice. And so he sat, hunched over his chef salad, trying to hide the remains of a horrible morning and contemplating how he would eevr make it through the afternoon.

[Mar. 23rd, 2008|10:47 pm]
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Who: Dean and Dylan
What: Randomness
Where: Hot tub, deck five (aquamarine deck)
When: Sunday evening

For once, Dean actually wasn't looking forward to going back to work. He had had a fairly decent weekend as things went for a man who had recently had sex with another man's boyfriend. Things with Seth seemed to be patched up for the moment, and he had managed not to make a drunken ass out of himself at all on Saturday night, despite spending most of it in the bar. So he decided to end his weekend on a positive note as well, stopping in at the hot tub on deck five for a bit of relaxation before heading back to his cabin for a shower and sleep.

Entering the room in his sophisticated black Gucci swim trunks, he tossed his towel to the side, approaching the side of the tub. He noticed another man was sitting there already and wondered for a moment if they had met yet. The man was taller than he was, and he had obviously handsome facial features, and from the half of his body visible above the water, Dean had determined that he was extremely attractive everywhere else as well. If they hadn't met, Dean decided, they needed to.

"I hope I haven't intruded upon a private party," he said in his usual formal way. "If I have, I apologize."

[Mar. 21st, 2008|06:42 pm]

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Who: Seth and Dean
Where: Chinese restaurant
When: 7:16 pm

Seth hadn’t talked to Dean in a long time almost a month maybe a little more and now he was meeting him for food. He didn’t like the post Dean made and he didn’t like what Dean had done but Seth would rather Dean be with someone who wouldn’t use him. He wanted to keep Dean close to him so he could keep him safe from anyone who wanted to use his friend for sex or booze or his money. Maybe friend was too strong of a word to call their relationship since things were weird with them right now. For the most part Seth was pretty much over the whole being hit on thing but he didn’t think Dean had let that go. It worried him how hard Dean was on himself.

Rather than taking his time to get to the restaurant Seth left his computer right away. He wanted to get there first and get a table or a seat or anything. Seth was really worried that the place would be full. He always worried about places being full and loud and busy regardless of the time and especially now since it was dinner time. Luckily there weren’t very many people here right now. Unluckily the only open table was in the middle of the room and Seth didn’t like that at all.

In the middle of the room he sat at the table waiting for Dean to come. His eyes shifted back and forth constantly. He didn’t like being in the middle and more so he didn’t like being alone in the middle. Once Dean got here he’d feel better. If he had someone to look at and talk with things would be less awkward or so he hoped.

[Mar. 15th, 2008|09:51 pm]
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Who: Dean & Hamilton
What: Hamilton cheats on Michael with Satan Dean
Where: the library
When: Saturday night

After Shenkman and Danger-James had gone missing, Dean had sort of lost interest in his seduction of the librarian, Hamilton Prince. After all, with the cruise director and a lecturer missing, guests had a ton of questions, and his staff wasn't all that competent about answering them, so most of the extra work fell on Dean. Now that the men had been located and hospitalized, however, he was back on the prowl, determined to prove to himself - and to that innocent little shit, Michael - that he would have the man he wanted if he worked for it hard enough, that he was more deserving of the attractive, intelligent former professor than some uneducated kid.

And where better to search for a librarian, than in the library? Dean had spent all evening there, waiting until it was time for the library to close. He had read a bunch of poetry, re-read various favorite sections of Hamlet, while the clock inched closer and closer to closing time. Finally, just when he knew he was probably about to be asked to leave, Dean stood up from his chair, returned his items to a shelving cart and approached the librarian from behind, laying a hand on the man's shoulder. "Hey," he said, his voice low and clearly seductive, no longer trying to hide the fact that he was attracted to Hamilton. "How are you doing tonight?"

[Mar. 3rd, 2008|06:56 pm]
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Who: Dean and Hamilton
What: meeting for the first time
Where: Shakespeare library
When: Monday, late afternoon

Make thy books thy companions. Let thy cases and shelves be thy pleasure grounds and gardens.  )

[Feb. 14th, 2008|11:57 pm]
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Who: Dean & JT
What: personality clash
Where: Hotel department offices, Deck 15
When: Friday morning

The day before had been a holiday, the previous night a long one for many people, but to look at Dean on Friday morning, neither of those facts was obvious. Despite whatever had or had not happened with Seth the day before, and regardless of any implications those events might have on his future, when Dean took the elevator down to the offices on the bottom deck of the ship, he was thinking of nothing but business. He was hoping to find the hotel manager so that he could complain about the immaturity and irresponsibility of some of his bell hops. They were getting really out of control now - goofing around during down time, flirting with the girls who ordered room service, making prank calls. It was getting old, and Dean was looking for a little backup in getting them back in line.

But when Dean exited the elevator and walked down the corridor to where the hotel department office was located, he was disappointed to discover that only one person was at his desk. And that person was JT Raymond, the assistant hotel manager. Dean didn't exactly take JT seriously - his name was that of a little boy, for one thing, and he seemed like such a teenager. Nothing about him made Dean think of him as an authority figure. And he indicated as much when he pointed to their manager's empty desk and said, "She's not here? When's she coming back?"

[Feb. 14th, 2008|12:09 am]
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Who: Dean & Seth
What: awkwardness
Where: Shakespeare library
When: Thursday, Valentine's day, early evening

Dean had been laying - and feeling - pretty low since his falling out with Seth a few days ago, and by Thursday evening, he was absolutely wallowing. Seth had given him cuff links for Valentine's Day, a gift that he truly valued and appreciated, but he was disappointed to note that they had most likely been given in the spirit of friendship, nothing more. Dean, on the other hand, had given into the side of him that had been nurtured by Professor Max, and sent the other man three dozen roses, with a cryptic note, which was really only cryptic if you wanted it to be. If Seth wanted to think about who'd sent them, he'd know. Which made Dean feel stupid, now that he thought about it - Seth had made it clear that he was not interested in Dean, or in any man, and if Dean had any brains at all, he'd let it go.

But he hadn't let it go. On the contrary, he was sitting in the library, surrounded by books containing the thoughts of many a wronged lover. From his own dog-eared collection of poems by AE Housman, he was reading about the unrequited love that the poet had felt for his straight male friend, and he also had the library's copy of The Love Letters of Dylan Thomas and, for a true sense of tragedy, the copy of Romeo and Juliet Max had once given him for Christmas. In Dean's experience, misery loved the company of literature. It helped him, he knew, to see his feelings in print, written down by some mind greater than his own.

But what didn't help was that Dean wasn't the only person who sought solace in the library. This was where he and Seth had first met after all. And sure enough, when Dean closed the Housman volume and looked up to give his eyes a break from the small print for a moment, he spotted Seth just a few feet away. And if he told himself he wasn't happy to see him, if he told himself he hadn't come to the library half hoping to run into him, if he told himself he was just going to get up from the chair and go back to his room without another word, he was telling himself a gigantic lie.

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