Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Dec. 28th, 2008|10:05 pm]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: being beach bums
Where: Honolulu, Hawaii
When: Sunday, late afternoon

Let’s talk dirty in Hawaiian... )

Happy birthday, Hamilton! [Nov. 9th, 2008|07:45 pm]
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Waiting for Hamilton after work on Sunday... )

[Nov. 2nd, 2008|04:59 pm]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: they went home for a bit, and now they're back!
Where: their cabin
When: Saturday night [backdated because the ship is at sea today]

I've not always been the best man or friend for you, but your love remains true; and I don't know why, you always seem to give me another try )

[Sep. 9th, 2008|11:40 pm]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: talking, etc.
Where: their cabin
When: Tuesday night

I feel your leg under the table, leaning into mine; I feel renewed, I feel disabled by these bonfires in my spine. I don't know who the arsonist was, which incendiary soul, but all I ever wanted was just to come in from the cold )

[Aug. 25th, 2008|10:10 pm]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: Reunion time!!!
Where: their cabin on the Serendipity Surprise
When: Tuesday night

That's when I knew where I was, that's when I knew that I was home )

[Aug. 14th, 2008|12:04 am]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: a phone call
Where: Serendipity Dream (Michael) & Serendipity Freedom (Hamilton)
When: Wednesday night

It was a cup of good intentions, a table spoon of one big mess, a dash of over reaction, I assume you know the rest... )

email to Hamilton [Aug. 6th, 2008|11:52 pm]
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To: [info]hamiltonprince
From: [info]michaelreed
Subject: Missing you. )

[Jul. 20th, 2008|12:39 pm]
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Who: Hamilton and Michael
What: Hamilton is coming back
Where: The Port in NY
When: Morning?
Warnings: TBA

Looks who's back! )

[Jun. 14th, 2008|05:36 pm]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: Michael comes home a little later than expected
Where: their cabin
When: the wee hours of Saturday morning

Michael really had planned to come home after just one more drink. He was worried about Hamilton, and he hated the thought of the older man being left alone in their cabin with his thoughts. But one more drink had taken half an hour all on its own, and before he could announce his plans to head home, two more people had bought drinks for him. By the time he had consumed both of those, he was pretty drunk, and it was almost 3 in the morning.

Stumbling out of the elevator and down the corridor to the cabin he shared with his lover, Michael was just coherent enough to hope that Hamilton wouldn't be angry at him for not coming home sooner. It had been nice, escaping from the constant worrying Michael had been doing since Hamilton had told him he wasn't doing well again, but when he opened the door to the cabin and climbed into the bed beside Hamilton, he realized that this is where he belonged, and he should have been here hours ago.

"Hey," he said softly, kissing Hamilton's forehead. "Baby, I'm home."

[May. 13th, 2008|12:00 am]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: another confession
Where: their cabin
When: Monday after work
Warnings: I can't promise there won't be sex =P

Michael was nervous. He thought they had put all the surprises and secrets and drama behind them after the cheating, but now there was this new mystery, and he was none too pleased about having to solve it. Who was this Dean guy? Deep down, Michael knew he could probably guess, but he didn't really want to think about it if he was right. He didn't want to imagine any of what would come to mind if Dean was, in fact, the other man Hamilton had been with.

Still, he needed the truth. He knew if he and Hamilton weren't honest with one another, something would come between them again, and that thought nearly broke his heart. So there he went, marching home from the internet cafe, back to his cabin where, when he opened the door, an oblivious Horatio jumped right up onto him, demanding attention. "Hey, puppy," he said to the dog, reaching down to scratch his ears. And then Michael immediately looked up at Hamilton. "Hey, baby," he said, addressing his lover. "I'm home."

[Apr. 23rd, 2008|09:02 pm]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: being sick
Where: their cabin
When: Wednesday night

There's a flu bug getting passed around, and it's spreading like fire through the town. There's a virus holding up inside us. Everyone that I know is coming down. )

[Apr. 19th, 2008|03:51 pm]
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Who: Jacob Williams, OTA
What: Drinking. A lot.
Where: The Bar
When: Saturday night.

After an hour at the bar Jacob had forgotten what drink he was on. Perhaps he could have counted the glasses but the bartender had been taking them away as soon as they were empty. With a heavy sigh he looked around as the man behind the bar put together his next drink, vision a bit blurry. He'd taken off his glasses because they were just giving him a headache as he slowly lost track of all his sense. Thanking the bartender when his drink was delivered, he sipped at it before just downing half of the beverage. The burn of the alcohol made him grimace but God it was good.

He'd fucked things up with one of the only people who'd ever truly loved him and was having a hard time living with himself. Yes, he had been truly frustrated because Edward wouldn't share things with him but he'd gone and hit him. Sniffling, he wiped at his eyes and just finished the drink, ordering another. Oh well. He was single again. Alone. And now he didn't even have his and Edward's bloody friendship to fall back on.

[Mar. 29th, 2008|02:26 am]
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Who: Michael and Hamilton
What: making up?
Where: their cabin
When: Friday night
Warning: Make-up sex!

Michael had been in the internet cafe all during his discussion with Hamilton. Somehow, it was easier for them to talk things out if they were not in the same place at the same time, and when Michael headed for home at the end of their conversation, he actually felt better than he had in days. Hamilton had said things to him online that he would never have the guts to say in person, and he was feeling a lot better about the future of their relationship. He was even able to think about kissing him and being intimate with him for a few seconds at a time without remembering that he had done those things with another man. Slowly but surely, Michael was moving on from what had happened.

When he entered the cabin that he and Hamilton shared, Michael was pleased to discover that Hamilton was there waiting for him, as promised. He didn't waste a single second, but went to where Hamilton was standing and wrapped his arms around the man, holding him tightly. "Hey," Michael said softly, kissing Hamilton's neck. "I love you."

[Mar. 20th, 2008|12:01 am]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
What: Sadness :(
Where: their cabin
When: Wednesday night

This was the most unkindest cut of all... )

[Mar. 15th, 2008|09:51 pm]
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Who: Dean & Hamilton
What: Hamilton cheats on Michael with Satan Dean
Where: the library
When: Saturday night

After Shenkman and Danger-James had gone missing, Dean had sort of lost interest in his seduction of the librarian, Hamilton Prince. After all, with the cruise director and a lecturer missing, guests had a ton of questions, and his staff wasn't all that competent about answering them, so most of the extra work fell on Dean. Now that the men had been located and hospitalized, however, he was back on the prowl, determined to prove to himself - and to that innocent little shit, Michael - that he would have the man he wanted if he worked for it hard enough, that he was more deserving of the attractive, intelligent former professor than some uneducated kid.

And where better to search for a librarian, than in the library? Dean had spent all evening there, waiting until it was time for the library to close. He had read a bunch of poetry, re-read various favorite sections of Hamlet, while the clock inched closer and closer to closing time. Finally, just when he knew he was probably about to be asked to leave, Dean stood up from his chair, returned his items to a shelving cart and approached the librarian from behind, laying a hand on the man's shoulder. "Hey," he said, his voice low and clearly seductive, no longer trying to hide the fact that he was attracted to Hamilton. "How are you doing tonight?"

[Mar. 7th, 2008|12:34 am]
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Who: Hamilton and Michael
What: They fight :O (aka Hamilton=Asshole)
When: Thursday Night
Where: Their Cabin
Status: Complete

Hamilton had been sullen for days now. Ever since his conversation with Dean in the Library. Hamilton hadn't intentionally want to take his mood out on Michael, but he was sure it was coming off that way regardless. It was like Hamilton had only seen his boyfriend when they were in the cabin together. And even then...

Well for example, at the moment Hamilton was sitting on a sofa reading the Great Gatsby, with Horatio on his lap, and he wasn't paying attention to Michael at all. He knew he was there, but Hamilton just... couldn't bring himself to talk to him. He didn't know if this was because he had another bend in his mood... or if he was was doubting what was between him and Michael now.

[Mar. 3rd, 2008|06:56 pm]
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Who: Dean and Hamilton
What: meeting for the first time
Where: Shakespeare library
When: Monday, late afternoon

Make thy books thy companions. Let thy cases and shelves be thy pleasure grounds and gardens.  )

[Feb. 29th, 2008|11:39 pm]
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Who: Jacob Williams, OTA
What: Hiding in the library
Where: Library
When: Late Friday night

The library was desolate. Even the last straggler had left hours before with a book of choice tucked under their arm. It was now the perfect haven for the sleepless, between it's tall book cases and the shadows they cast. With a soft sigh, a young man about 5' 9" padded through the isles, fingers drawing over the spines of the books. He was clad in a pair of loose jeans and a tight sweater. Rubbing at his eyes, the man paused and stretched before continuing on his way. There was nothing like a walk through a silent library to calm a restless soul. Something about being surrounded by so much creativity and history brought a certain calm to his soul.

Letting out another soft sigh, he couldn't help the way his lips quirked up into a smile at the echo through the isle. Humming softly to himself he continued his journey, looking around, trying to find the urge to sleep.

Come play with the artist! [Feb. 21st, 2008|11:35 pm]

Who: Ashleigh & Open
What: Running into each other
Where: Top deck
When: Around sunset
Open? YES!!

Inspiration had been something that had been sparce for Ashleigh lately. )

[Feb. 9th, 2008|11:15 pm]
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Who: Michael & Hamilton
When: Saturday night, around midnight
Where: late-night swim

Michael was in an amazing mood. The ship was beautiful, for one thing. He had never lived any place this exciting in his whole life, and it definitely agreed with him. Plus, he was here enjoying paradise with the one person he loved more than anything else in the world, his Hamilton. He couldn't tell exactly how Hamilton felt about life at sea so far, but that wasn't unusual - Hamilton always kept his emotions hidden, it was just his way. Michael knew that eventually he would reveal his thoughts to Michael, and he just had to be patient.

But in the meantime, he had convinced Hamilton to go with him to the terrace pool, where, as he had suspected, no one seemed to be spending their Saturday night except the two of them. And it made sense, because most people were either out dancing or drinking in the bars and restaurants. Michael planned to do his share of those things as well, but tonight, he just wanted some time alone with his boyfriend. He just hoped Hamilton wouldn't be stubborn about letting go and having fun for a little while. And he hoped he wouldn't think 70 degrees was too cool for swimming.

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