Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Sep. 27th, 2008|12:19 am]
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WHO: Tammi, Becca, and Lily (NPC)
WHAT: Dinner, finally!
WHERE: Papa's Pizzeria, Deck 5, Aquamarine Deck
WHEN: Friday night
RATING/STATUS: PG tops (there's a child involved) / Incomplete

Mmm...pizza, pizza! )


[Aug. 13th, 2008|05:49 am]
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WHO: Winn Wright and Tammi Brooks
WHAT: First, drunken, meeting
WHERE: A bar on the Dream
WHEN: Late Tuesday night, or early Wednesday morning, depending on your perspective
WARNINGS / Status: PG-13, most likely / Incomplete

I've got friends in low places / where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away / And I'll be okay )


Email to Tammi [Aug. 1st, 2008|03:32 am]
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To: [info]tammi
From: [info]rebecca_klein
Subject: Last weekend's crisis

Dear Tammi,

My name is Rebecca Klein. I'm Lily's mother. Lily has been talking non-stop about you all week and how much you looked after her when you were both taken hostage. I'm so incredibly grateful to you for watching out for her. I was sick with worry over what was happening to her and if anyone would care when she cried or threw a tantrum, as she is wont to do. Honestly, I think she gets it from me. I've been known to throw a good tantrum myself, and in fact, I did when she was kidnapped.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know personally how much I am indebted to you. I've been placed on the Sunset, but when we get back to the Surprise, I owe you dinner, at the very least. Lily has also been asking to see you again, so please feel free to stop by and see her anytime you want. She would love that.

Thank you so much (I can't say it enough times),


[Jun. 16th, 2008|08:32 pm]
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Who: Dean & Tammi
What: first meeting
Where: Java Jive Cafe, Deck Fourteen (The Onyx Deck)
When: Monday, early evening

` ` ` )

[Jun. 16th, 2008|05:18 am]
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WHO: Tammi and Link
WHAT: An early walk and catching up with each other
WHERE: Sun Terrace, Ruby Deck
WHEN: Around 4:30 AM
WARNINGS/STATUS: PG-13 for language / Complete

I am still enchanted by the light you brought to me / I listen through your ears / through your eyes I can see... )

Introduction [Jun. 15th, 2008|04:07 pm]

Name is Tamara Brooks, but please call me Tammi.

I'm a firefighter and was born and raised in Kansas. I love to travel, hense why I jumped at the chance to do this job and help keep the ship safe from fire. I'm not really sure what else there is to say about me that can't be found out from getting to know me. I'm a nice person until crossed then I could be your worse nightmare. I love to have fun and do just about anything adventerous. I can be girly and tomboyish all at the same time. I lost my father at a young age and that tormented me and still does to this day sometimes.

I've got a roommate named Rayne that I've not met yet. Hopefully she and I get along, otherwise sleeping will not be pleasant. I guess only time will tell with that. No point in worrying about it until it happens, right?

Well I'm going to head on into my room and unpack some of my things. Hopefully I will run into some of you soon.


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