p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'links'

Apr. 11th, 2010



Paging Dr. Archer!

Someone found that stuff you did in COLLEGE:

Sing it with me~


Here's where Bran becomes a man!

Mar. 20th, 2010


Since the theme of the day seems to be princesses, some of these icons are awesome. (Careful, some NSFWness with the Mermaid icons)

Mar. 18th, 2010


This doesn't really have anything to do with rp, but this is addicting. )

Mar. 14th, 2010


Because we all know I am a SUCKER for visuals.

Show me what your characters look like (vampires, wolves, beasts, witches), what they are wearing, hairstyles, any differences from their normal forms, ANYTHING, during the Fables plot. I know some folks have linked in the party post, but others haven't, and I want to know!

*grabby hands at all of you*

Feb. 21st, 2010


Madame White Snake

I might not have taken particular notice of this normally but since joining BL, the name immediately caught my eye! :)

Madame White Snake, a classical transformation myth, is the story of a powerful white snake demon who transforms into a beautiful woman so as to experience love. She meets her true love, Xu Xian, at the Broken Bridge on the West Lake in Hangzhou and marries him. So widely celebrated is their love that a curious Abbot investigates. He sees right through her human form to the snake. When the Abbot learns that Madame White Snake is pregnant, he is horrified by what he considers a violation of all of the traditional taboos of race and religion, the divine and the profane. He decides to intervene and he confronts her husband. Not surprisingly, disaster strikes. Madame White Snake is betrayed by her husband and in the moment of betrayal, she is tragically transformed back into a snake.

In its long journey through the centuries, this simple myth has become an icon in the hearts and minds of the Chinese people. The deadly white snake demon gives up her immortal existence to assume human form in the pursuit of the most human of all emotions – love. She holds love dearly for one moment; and then love is lost forever. A powerful metaphor for each individual’s struggle to dream, the myth has spoken deeply to all who have dared to dream. The question of what it means to be truly human is always timely and each generation answers this question in its own voice.

Feb. 5th, 2010


Badass Bitches

I thought of Vaughn in all her evil glory when I came across this Jezebel article 'Chambers Of Blood And Velvet: Subverting The Classics For Feminist Ends'.

Stories that radically revise stereotypes of "bad women" in the Bible, in myth and in fairy-tales. Stories that aren't afraid to be literary, transgressive, dark, and sexy. Think: Lilith, Medea, the Wicked Stepmother, the Evil Witch, Pandora, Eve, crones, sibyls, fates, muses. Contemporary adaptations are fine... The spine: We begin to see these women through another lens.

Had to share especially since I think all the players here work hard to make three dimensional characters -- even the princesses in this lot are tough and interesting!



bureau of communication meme

Because this is one of my favorite memes in the world oh god please everyone jump in on this one:

One of my favorite websites ever is the Bureau of Communication. They have these forms you can use for things like apology or invitation or declaration to love, and the forms are all hilarious--particularly when filled out IC. And you can download the images and do them in photoshop or you can do them right on the site.

So let's do this. Fill out one or a dozen from one of your characters to someone else's, and we'll post them all in this post so we can avoid duplicates. (plus, I am selfish, and want to read them all) Feel free to check out their freaking hilarious archived forms. Muahahahaha.

Also: Amongst the random forms in the archive: COLE WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO

Jan. 26th, 2010



So much of the artist polaroid-comic a softer world is obv based on Trenton.

= )
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Jan. 19th, 2010


everyone should watch this movie. it's french and it's basically about vaughn. )

Jan. 17th, 2010




While I was working on a (not so) secret character number three *coughcoughIknowI'madorkcough* I found this building and the exterior, the elevator and the roof matched how I imagine Bellum Letale. The kitchen and dining room pictures I'm taking for myself. >> BUT OMG. That elevator is really hot. My apologies if you've already seen this and I'm being like so five months ago: The 72 Room Bohemian Dream House.


You post a "top five" topic, list, category, etc. for one of my characters, such as "five tattoos Jane would get" or "five reasons Bob recycles." Then I'll reply with the answers to all your top 5 ideas. Serious or fun!

Jan. 16th, 2010



The foibles of researching for a memory post...

There is a very good and specific reason why you should never search for "How to hogtie a pig" on google.


I am by no means a prude, but these things should never pop up while I'm researching for a nine year old's memory! GAH.

Also, it means I should probably look more closely when clicking links. >.< I'm so happy to share this moment with you all.
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Jan. 5th, 2010



his depravity knows no bounds

Oh my god I am so glad we have this community now so that I can share things like this without feeling guilty.

what is this i don't even
