Aug. 11th, 2015


WHO: Millicent Bulstrode and Draco Malfoy
WHEN: Backdated - Last Wednesday Evening
WHERE: Millicent’s Townhouse
SUMMARY: After years, Millicent comes clean with Draco
WARNINGS: Adult language, mentions of infidelity, and sex ahead.
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

She is the best of you and of me….and I did what I had to do - don’t you DARE get all ice and fire with me Dragon mine. Don’t you DARE. )


WHO: Millicent Bulstrode and Draco Malfoy
WHEN: Tuesday Evening
WHERE: Malfoy Manor
SUMMARY: Millicent has had wine, and Draco had the GALL to age without her in her mind. And there was wine...
WARNINGS: Adult Conduct - language, behavior, and situations ahead.
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

How DARE you grow old without me you prat! )

Jul. 13th, 2015


Owl post

Delivered by owl to wherever Millie and Gwen currently are )