Aug. 14th, 2015


WHO: Lily & Victoire
WHAT: Anger Management!
WHEN: Friday 14 August 2025, 3 PM
WHERE: Victoire's flat
RATING: TBD, possible swearing and breaking of plates
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Lily may have been in her early thirties... )

Aug. 12th, 2015


WHO: Wesley Shields & Louis Weasley
WHAT: Emo Old!Wes needs comfort from his BFF.
WHEN: 9 August, 2025 -- evening (backdated)
WHERE: The abode of Louis Weasley

Just... bro-hug me, okay? )

Aug. 11th, 2015


WHO: Millicent Bulstrode and Draco Malfoy
WHEN: Tuesday Evening
WHERE: Malfoy Manor
SUMMARY: Millicent has had wine, and Draco had the GALL to age without her in her mind. And there was wine...
WARNINGS: Adult Conduct - language, behavior, and situations ahead.
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

How DARE you grow old without me you prat! )

Aug. 9th, 2015


Who: Pippa Cadwallader and Lysander Scamander
What: Pippa's suddenly fat and pregnant.
Where: St. Mungo's
When: Sun, August 9th. After being infected in Diagon Alley.
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed/Incomplete

There was only one conclusion for the 17 year old's large stomach: a baby )



There have been many cases reported of witches and wizards who have aged or de-aged significantly, all who seem to have visiting Diagon Alley earlier today in common. Those who have de-aged seem to only have their younger memories, while those who have aged have unexplainable new memories. We are uncertain at this time of what has caused this, but we see no cause for immediate concern. For now, Diagon Alley has been closed until further notice for investigation. Any witches or wizards who have been in that area today should please visit St. Mungo's for an evaluation.

Seymour Buttz
Minister of Magic