Lee Love - August 30th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Lee Love

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August 30th, 2007

To Lee! [Aug. 30th, 2007|12:20 am]
[Current Mood |full of lee love]

smoochie!! )
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I'm late [Aug. 30th, 2007|01:25 am]


What else is new? *grins* There will be Bill/Charlie drabbles for you, Lee. But not quite yet. Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and patience and wisdom when it came to running [info]daily_deviant because without you, we would not have managed at all this year. You were brilliant and I really appreciate everything you did for us. You're the best!
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[Aug. 30th, 2007|09:32 am]
ack. I am late. Sorry Lee. Originally it was supposed to be a sketch, but it grabbed hold and wouldn't let go... so. :B The image is slightly, slightly inspired by your daily deviant kinky kristmas fic. It's a Lily/Snape/Lupin NWS image set in the library :B I hope you like.

Lily/Snape/Lupin, NWS, NC-17 )

Thanks so much for your commitment to D_D!
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Art: Just For Fun, Sirius/James [Aug. 30th, 2007|07:58 pm]


I'm late and I only have a drawble for you, which, I'm afraid, is not even smutty - just a hint. *g*

I was sad to hear you're stepping down as a DD mod, Lee. You've been awesome and I will miss you!

Title: Just For Fun
Pairing: Sirius/James
Rating: PG, worksafe.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. No money is being made.
A/N: For Lee, with love. ♥

Just For Fun )
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Thank you, Lee!!!! :D [Aug. 30th, 2007|08:57 pm]


Lee, sorry to post late, OMG, I am made of fail. But YOU are made of win! Thank you SO much for all that you have done for DD and for fandom in general. You ROCK, and I wish you all the best. I SO owe you Snupin!!!! *HUGS AND LOVE*
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Because of the awesome :) [Aug. 30th, 2007|09:34 pm]
So I might've only seen you in mod-mode for a (busy) month or so, but I've been reading and adoring your fics for a fair whack longer than that :). You're all kinds of fantastic. Have some het :D.

NWS pic, PG for slight nippleness.

Sirius/Lily )
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