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Lee Love

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Severus/Sirius [Sep. 8th, 2007|03:12 pm]

For Lee, with so many thanks.

Hate sex
~500 words

Death Becomes Him )
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Icons! [Sep. 6th, 2007|03:01 am]

[Current Mood |sleepy]

I wanted to do something to show appreciation because I know how tough it is to be a community mod at the best of times, and it's even tougher in the midst of a wank storm. I decided I'd do something different and offer a few icons. Hopefully you'll see something you like! :)

Icons - some NWS! )
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Thank you, Lee!!! [Sep. 5th, 2007|11:51 pm]

Thank you so much Lee, for making D_D a very lovely place! I'm going to miss you as a mod! This is a little something I did for you, and I hope you enjoy it!


Ginger and Lemon )
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Ficlet: A Drowning Desire (Lupin/Snape, NC17) [Sep. 1st, 2007|11:07 pm]


Title: A Drowning Desire
Author: [info]lore
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter ~ Lupin/Snape
Rating: NC17/NWS
Word Count: 244
Summary: Victory and defeat under the moonlight.
Disclaimer: Not mine - if they were, I'd treat them better. *wink*
Highlight for Warnings: *bestiality, watersports*
Notes: Betas [info]karasu_hime, [info]dizilla and [info]chazpure held my hand. Any errors or weirdnesses left are my fault. Lee, thank you so much for all your hard work in fandom, including DD. You're rare treasure. I hope you enjoy this small offering, which I also wanted to put up for The Internet is for Porn day. *g*

He was damnably hard )

love, lore
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Hate!Sex for Love!Lee :-D [Sep. 1st, 2007|07:49 pm]

Lee, you're a phenomenal writer and I know the folks at DD will miss you modly talents, but anything that gives you a bit more time to write (or read, or whatever you want to do) is OK by me. Enjoy yourself.

This was dropped on my head in the shower this morning, possibly via Invisible Owl Post. When I looked at it, I thought "Ah, this must be for Lee!" Hope you like it! (And I hope you don't mind me using it for the BBTP challenge either. ;-))

Title: If I Never See His Face
Author: Nehalenia
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James/Severus
Warning: hate!sex, dub-con, non-con
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JKR. Only the smut is mine.
Word Count: 2300 or so
Author’s Notes: Written for and dedicated to [info]snegurochka_lee in honor of her incredible talent and many contributions to the glorious cause of smut. That I just happened to write on the day of the BBTP challenge is mere serendipity.

If I Never See His Face

Read more... )
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[Sep. 1st, 2007|10:36 pm]
Title: you're mine now
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: PG
Warnings: naked chest
Disclaimer: JKR's.
Notes: wanted to draw you something for a long time, and creation of this asylum encouraged me to do so :)

you're mine now )
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Love for Lee! [Sep. 1st, 2007|12:01 pm]
Title: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Sobering Potions
Pairing: James/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1617
Warnings: Watersports.
Disclaimer: Not mine. JKR's.
Summary: Sobering potions take a while to kick in.
Notes: For the gorgeous [info]snegurochka_lee. This is my first time writing this pairing, and also my first foray into writing watersports, so I'm a bit nervous, but I truly hope you like this. You are wonderful!

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Sobering Potions )
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[ART - for Lee]: "Between Breaths" (Sirius/James/Remus; NWS) [Aug. 31st, 2007|08:08 am]
Ooh, I'm so late! People just wouldn't leave me alone to draw some pr0n, tsk, tsk! ;)

A big THANK YOU for being so awesome! *hugs* I'll miss you at [info]daily_deviant. And OMG, D_D without the "leather girl" icon? Unthinkable! I'll miss this, too!
So, I'm bringing some smut, yay! Lee, I hope you enjoy this. I certainly had my fun while sketching them. :D

Title: "Between Breaths"
Characters: Sirius/James/Remus
Rating: NC-17, NWS
Media used: charcoal, Photoshop
Notes: My first Marauders pic and I'm already hooked. :) Oh, and I'm convinced that James is enjoying this very much, whatever his current expression might say. xD
I found the design for the "Lily tattoo" at google imagesearch and credit for the texture goes to cgtextures.com!

* * * * * LEE LOVE * * * * * )
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Pictures of nearly naked men grappling for Lee [Aug. 31st, 2007|03:07 am]

Dear Lee
This isn't fandom based, but I thought you might like these crazy photos of large muscular oiled men grappling with each other in their underwear
(Sorry if you've seen them before) 

Bring on the nakedity! )
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Thank you, Lee!!!! :D [Aug. 30th, 2007|08:57 pm]

Lee, sorry to post late, OMG, I am made of fail. But YOU are made of win! Thank you SO much for all that you have done for DD and for fandom in general. You ROCK, and I wish you all the best. I SO owe you Snupin!!!! *HUGS AND LOVE*
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Art: Just For Fun, Sirius/James [Aug. 30th, 2007|07:58 pm]

I'm late and I only have a drawble for you, which, I'm afraid, is not even smutty - just a hint. *g*

I was sad to hear you're stepping down as a DD mod, Lee. You've been awesome and I will miss you!

Title: Just For Fun
Pairing: Sirius/James
Rating: PG, worksafe.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. No money is being made.
A/N: For Lee, with love. ♥

Just For Fun )
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[Aug. 30th, 2007|09:32 am]
ack. I am late. Sorry Lee. Originally it was supposed to be a sketch, but it grabbed hold and wouldn't let go... so. :B The image is slightly, slightly inspired by your daily deviant kinky kristmas fic. It's a Lily/Snape/Lupin NWS image set in the library :B I hope you like.

Lily/Snape/Lupin, NWS, NC-17 )

Thanks so much for your commitment to D_D!
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Because of the awesome :) [Aug. 30th, 2007|09:34 pm]
So I might've only seen you in mod-mode for a (busy) month or so, but I've been reading and adoring your fics for a fair whack longer than that :). You're all kinds of fantastic. Have some het :D.

NWS pic, PG for slight nippleness.

Sirius/Lily )
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To Lee! [Aug. 30th, 2007|12:20 am]
[Current Mood |full of lee love]

smoochie!! )
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I'm late [Aug. 30th, 2007|01:25 am]

What else is new? *grins* There will be Bill/Charlie drabbles for you, Lee. But not quite yet. Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and patience and wisdom when it came to running [info]daily_deviant because without you, we would not have managed at all this year. You were brilliant and I really appreciate everything you did for us. You're the best!
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Art: Stalked (Snape/Lupin, PG-ish) [Aug. 29th, 2007|11:44 pm]

[Current Mood |cheerful]

Title: Stalked
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Snape/Lupin

To Lee, who is all-around awesome, a great mod, and a fantastic writer. I'm so glad we got to have you as a [info]daily_deviant mod. *loves*

Depending on your job, this might not be worksafe, but it's not porny, either )
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I'm late, I'm late!!! [Aug. 29th, 2007|09:07 pm]

I meant to have this posted before the unveiling of the comm, but.... erm. I didn't. *blush*

Still, the love is heartfelt, and you will be greatly missed as a mod (though I'm delighted that you're sticking around as a contributor!!) so I wanted to throw in my two cents worth of teeny fic.

Title: Poor, Deluded Snape
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1773
Summary: An interlude between two men just before Sirius Black attacks the Gryffindor's Fat Lady.
Disclaimer: Not mine and no spoilers beyond POA.

Poor, Deluded Snape )
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GAH, Late! [Aug. 29th, 2007|10:20 pm]
Wah, sorry am late! T_T

But I really wanted to chip in to say THANK YOU for everything. You've handled all sorts of issues so very well at DD and there's no one in my Flist that deserves this comm more than you do!

Title: Bite the Hand that Feeds
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: R *NOT worksafe*
AN: Pencil quickie. Sorry for the poor scan >_< !

Bite the Hand that Feeds )
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[Aug. 29th, 2007|06:56 pm]

I am late and have nothing to offer except this:

I think you are one of the people who make fandom worth clinging to.  Both because of your stories and because you are one of the sweetest people I know.  I hope all your plans go well, and I look forward to reading whatever you write next. :)


PS: I was going to make you dollies from Candybar, but I got sidetracked and never had time.  Would you accept a virtual candy bar instead?
PPS: Oh, but if you would like the icon, feel free to snag. The originals are by Sunshine_icons over at lj, but the animation is by me. :)
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<3 Lee! [Aug. 29th, 2007|08:20 pm]

[Current Mood |grateful]

Lee, you are awesome. I truly appreciate everything you did for [info]daily_deviant You guys were an amazing mod team; you put so much of your time, effort, and yourself into it, and we love you for it. Sorry for all the work my collabs caused you in the short time I've been with D_D! ;) I can never thank you enough.

Title: Sunset
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: (Marauder Era-ish) Snape/Lupin
Kinks/Warnings: Outdoor!Sex, Anal

Here's a little Snape/Lupin p0rny drawble to show how much I appreciate you! )
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