Lee Love - August 31st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Lee Love

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August 31st, 2007

Pictures of nearly naked men grappling for Lee [Aug. 31st, 2007|03:07 am]


Dear Lee
This isn't fandom based, but I thought you might like these crazy photos of large muscular oiled men grappling with each other in their underwear
(Sorry if you've seen them before) 

Bring on the nakedity! )
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[ART - for Lee]: "Between Breaths" (Sirius/James/Remus; NWS) [Aug. 31st, 2007|08:08 am]
Ooh, I'm so late! People just wouldn't leave me alone to draw some pr0n, tsk, tsk! ;)

A big THANK YOU for being so awesome! *hugs* I'll miss you at [info]daily_deviant. And OMG, D_D without the "leather girl" icon? Unthinkable! I'll miss this, too!
So, I'm bringing some smut, yay! Lee, I hope you enjoy this. I certainly had my fun while sketching them. :D

Title: "Between Breaths"
Characters: Sirius/James/Remus
Rating: NC-17, NWS
Media used: charcoal, Photoshop
Notes: My first Marauders pic and I'm already hooked. :) Oh, and I'm convinced that James is enjoying this very much, whatever his current expression might say. xD
I found the design for the "Lily tattoo" at google imagesearch and credit for the texture goes to cgtextures.com!

* * * * * LEE LOVE * * * * * )
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