Lee Love - August 29th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Lee Love

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August 29th, 2007

For Lee: Slytherin Promises [Aug. 29th, 2007|12:49 am]


[Current Mood |optimistic]

Title: Slytherin Promises
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: There were times Remus hated being a werewolf, but perhaps someone could change his mind about that.
Word Count: 384
Genre: Erotica
Warnings: None
A/N: I hope you like this, Lee. My taste is prolly a bit fluffy for you, but I did my best. ;) I'll miss you!
Beta: [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Slytherin Promises )
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For Lee: Perverse Love [Aug. 29th, 2007|02:15 pm]


For everything you've done for fandom, and especially for the [info]daily_deviant, Lee: in fervent thanks.

Title: Perverse Love
Author: [info]celandineb
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: adult
Warning: bestiality
Summary: Severus and Remus share a peculiar attachment.
Note: More or less a sequel to "Conjunction"... and another acrostic, in seven drabbles. *g*

Perverse Love )
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Fic: Ashes to Ashes (Severus/Sirius, R) [Aug. 29th, 2007|04:01 pm]
This little universe we've created just wouldn't be the same without you, Lee.

P.S. I tried for the hate!sex, but you know how uncooperative Sirius can be when he's been drinking.

Title: Ashes to Ashes
By: [info]nishizono
Pairing: Severus/Sirius
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,700
Summary: The human soul is a phenomenon, wholly unlike anything else in our vast and lonely universe.

Second Warning For DH Spoilers )
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I come bearing... a header! [Aug. 29th, 2007|04:55 pm]


[Current Mood |thankful]
[Current Music |Hennie Bekker - The Other Side]

Lee, I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and the commitment you've given to all of us. I can't express my gratitude to you enough. ♥

My gift to you is the header for the community. I'm not sure what James (who sometimes moonlights as John Lennon, apparently) is doing to Sirius but it looks like fun. Remus is definitely enjoying your pr0nz. And Severus isn't sure what to make of it all, but he's somehow not dressed, either. :D I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you, again. You're brilliant.

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[Aug. 29th, 2007|06:56 pm]


I am late and have nothing to offer except this:

I think you are one of the people who make fandom worth clinging to.  Both because of your stories and because you are one of the sweetest people I know.  I hope all your plans go well, and I look forward to reading whatever you write next. :)


PS: I was going to make you dollies from Candybar, but I got sidetracked and never had time.  Would you accept a virtual candy bar instead?
PPS: Oh, but if you would like the icon, feel free to snag. The originals are by Sunshine_icons over at lj, but the animation is by me. :)
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<3 Lee! [Aug. 29th, 2007|08:20 pm]


[Current Mood |grateful]

Lee, you are awesome. I truly appreciate everything you did for [info]daily_deviant You guys were an amazing mod team; you put so much of your time, effort, and yourself into it, and we love you for it. Sorry for all the work my collabs caused you in the short time I've been with D_D! ;) I can never thank you enough.

Title: Sunset
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: (Marauder Era-ish) Snape/Lupin
Kinks/Warnings: Outdoor!Sex, Anal

Here's a little Snape/Lupin p0rny drawble to show how much I appreciate you! )
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Because you are made of everything good... [Aug. 29th, 2007|08:26 pm]


As thanks for all your hard work and kindness and in recognition of your awesome talent…

Title: Between You, Me and Her
Pairing: Sirius/Lily, James/Sirius
Rating: Porn

What about James? )
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I'm late, I'm late!!! [Aug. 29th, 2007|09:07 pm]


I meant to have this posted before the unveiling of the comm, but.... erm. I didn't. *blush*

Still, the love is heartfelt, and you will be greatly missed as a mod (though I'm delighted that you're sticking around as a contributor!!) so I wanted to throw in my two cents worth of teeny fic.

Title: Poor, Deluded Snape
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1773
Summary: An interlude between two men just before Sirius Black attacks the Gryffindor's Fat Lady.
Disclaimer: Not mine and no spoilers beyond POA.

Poor, Deluded Snape )
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GAH, Late! [Aug. 29th, 2007|10:20 pm]
Wah, sorry am late! T_T

But I really wanted to chip in to say THANK YOU for everything. You've handled all sorts of issues so very well at DD and there's no one in my Flist that deserves this comm more than you do!

Title: Bite the Hand that Feeds
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: R *NOT worksafe*
AN: Pencil quickie. Sorry for the poor scan >_< !

Bite the Hand that Feeds )
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ficlet for the lovely Lee [Aug. 29th, 2007|10:33 pm]
[Current Mood |grateful]

A wee, shamefully un-porny ficlet to see off a most fantabulous, encouraging, inspiring and helpful [info]daily_deviant mod. I'll miss you, Lee!

Title: Confessions by Moonlight in James Potter's Bed
Pairing: James/Sirius
Rating: R (I fondly hope)
Summary: The title says it all, honestly :).

Confessions by Moonlight in James Potter's Bed )
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Hunger (RL/SS, NC-17) [Aug. 29th, 2007|10:58 pm]
We're grateful for all the hard work you have done, for your patience and diplomacy♥. Without you, [info]daily_deviant wouldn't have grown so fast. Thank you, Lee!

Title: Hunger
By: [info]ldybastet and [info]snapelike
Pairing: Snape/Moony
Rating: NC-17
Word count ~900
Warning: Bestiality
Notes: Beta by [info]imma and [info]nishizono
Summary: The night of the full moon is about more than rabbits and blood. There are different kinds of hunger...

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Art: Stalked (Snape/Lupin, PG-ish) [Aug. 29th, 2007|11:44 pm]


[Current Mood |cheerful]

Title: Stalked
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Snape/Lupin

To Lee, who is all-around awesome, a great mod, and a fantastic writer. I'm so glad we got to have you as a [info]daily_deviant mod. *loves*

Depending on your job, this might not be worksafe, but it's not porny, either )
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