Lee Love - August 28th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Lee Love

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August 28th, 2007

"Need" Snape/James, NC17 [Aug. 28th, 2007|12:40 am]


All right, so I shall start, since time zones plus west coast tends to make me think I have more time than I do.

Title: Need
Pairing: Snape/James
Rating: NC17
Words: A bit under 300
Warnings: Well, James is married, not to Snape... Also, they don't much like each other (at all).
A/N: So, I don't so much write this pair, or this kind of smut, but hey, for Lee, I will try. However, this means you get verse instead of prose--not that I am a poet, you understand, but at least there is structure. I sort of got the pairing from the smutmas request, if there is mix and matching, because I don't so much write Sirius. Heh.

Need )
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I Come Bearing Drabbles... [Aug. 28th, 2007|10:00 am]



Two drabbles for you. I was thinking loosely of a couple of your fics when I wrote these. A very small token of my appreciation for all the work you've put into [info]daily_deviant these past months. Thank you!

Unspoken (Severus/Remus, Marauders Era) )

After the Veil, Dark (Severus/Sirius, OotP Period) )
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<3333333333333333333333333333 [Aug. 28th, 2007|09:44 pm]

You are made of awesome. I'll miss you terribly at DD, both as a mod and as a writer. You're also a terrific friend, tolerant of my wibbling to a saintlike degree, and write some of the most scorchingly hot smut I've ever read in my life.

I bring a drabble.
untitled, Narcissa/Lily, PGish )
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