Main RPG

•An intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit.

•Complicated or tortuous arrangement, as of streets or buildings.

•Any confusingly intricate state of things; a bewildering complex.

Posts Tagged: '%21week+two'

Nov. 30th, 2014



Wishing and Hoping

Who: Tuesday and Emi
When: Week Two: Monday, December 8th, late afternoon
Where: via text message
Summary: Tuesday is confused and wants to figure it out.
Warnings: TBD

I just wish I could understand )

Nov. 29th, 2014



I've had my doubts

Who: Max and Open to clan members (at first)
When:Week Two: Monday, December 8th, Early Evening
Where: The Lodge
Summary: Being the good bartender and setting up like he is supposed to.
Warning: PG (For now) :)

Smoke and Mirrors )



A Vampire's Morning

Who: Marden and open to any with a reason to be there.
When: Week Two; Monday Dec. 8th – Evening
Where: The Clan House
Summary: Waking up to a new day
Warning: TBD

With a warm drink )