Main RPG

•An intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit.

•Complicated or tortuous arrangement, as of streets or buildings.

•Any confusingly intricate state of things; a bewildering complex.

Posts Tagged: 'zach+nolan'

Aug. 10th, 2015


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Who: Zack and Andrew
When: Week Twelve, Tuesday Fed 17th, about 3ish
Where: The streets of Rinth
Summary: Plotty plot plot! Zack is going to be afraid of the big bad Andrew.. thanks Rinth!
Warning: Language

Oh, hey man, sorry about that )



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Who: Zach and Glitz
When: Monday, February 16, Evening
Where: Text
Summary: Text
Warning: Cursing/none

You have one (1) new message )

Aug. 3rd, 2015



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Who: Zach and Liliana
When: Week Twelve, Monday afternoon, February 16th, following this
Where: Coffee shop
Summary: Liliana has some bad news for Zach.
Warnings: Light/TBA, may include some swearing

What's that they say about shooting the messenger? )