January 13th, 2008

[info]absolutelysheba in [info]kobols_legacies


Dani slowly lumbered her way to Major Simmons' office the morning after her trip to Shangri-La, folder in hand with her report on the interview on Derrick Princeton's talk wireless show. The young woman had written it up earlier in the morning after letting the small staff in the Air Liaison office that she would be going on maternity leave after all. Trying to work full time in her condition was becoming too much of a drain and she had to do what was right for herself, her babies, and the fleet in general.

She was half-dreading talking with Jill about the interview, it hadn't gone well to put it mildly and Dani was still upset about it. Even if she had come up with a way to possibly turn things around to the military's advantage she never should have let the interview get out of control in the first place. Dani should have known better than to trust a politician and it wasn't a mistake she would make again.

The grounded pilot was also annoyed at her appearance. Her one good uniform tunic that came close to a proper fit was now on its way to the laundry after she'd spilled her drink all over it at breakfast. She'd tried in vain to squeeze into one of her older tunics, but the material had refused to stretch over her stomach enough for her to get the buttons into their holes and Dani had been forced to leave it hanging open. At least the altered tank and t-shirts were still clean underneath, so she didn't look a complete mess.
Reports )

[info]model_pilot in [info]kobols_legacies

Note to Bethany

Note in envelope, addressed to Bethany Jereldsen )

[info]fly_baby in [info]kobols_legacies

Damaged parts

It was the late in the ship's day aboard Avalon, and work was done for now for one Jake Mackenzie.

The young Colonel hadn't had a chance to exercise in the morning due to a meeting first thing with some of the Captains of the industrial ships in the fleet about the material and parts needed for the repair of the destroyer Brownlee, and he was making up for it in the evening now that he finally had some free time. Two laps around the central corridor of the ship was just a bit over four miles, and he added a fifth by taking a lap around the upper causeway of the hanger deck.

The deck was somewhat back to normal now several days after the Cylon attack. Most of the damage had been repaired and debris cleared away, and operations had resumed their normal tempo. The sounds heard on a hanger deck were soothing to Jake, having spent most of his adult life as a combat pilot aboard battlestars, and the sights were familar friends.

Except for one ship that he couldn't recall seeing before. It was definitely a civilian ship, and it had him curious. Jake slowed to a walk as he finished his run and started the cool down. He'd have to go down and investigate, indulge his curiosity.

Rank had its privileges, after all. )