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Feb. 9th, 2016



Hey, guys! Sorry to do this, but I'm calling a semi-hiatus for the next two weeks. Those of you on my plurk may have noticed that I just joined a new short term game that's kind of time consuming, so while I get the hang of that I'll be kind of absent. I'll be around if anyone needs me and try to get to tags here and there but... yes.

Supreme Kai of Time is the only one affected by this and won't be going anywhere. Just assume she's spending most of her time on the park/zoo island communing with nature.

Feb. 3rd, 2016



Taking a mental health week for reasons. Will work on backtags here and there when I can and if I'm feeling up to it. Might even be less than a week. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Yato will be on autopilot, likely working a couple of part-time jobs and looking for other work.

Jan. 31st, 2016


slowatus turned hiatus

Urgh so it seems that the combination of still drowning in work and this stupid cold that doesn't seem to be going anywhere is resulting in me mainly staring at my tags and managing the pace of perhaps one or two tags per day, which... yeah, it's not really that great.

And the added pressure of knowing I should be doing tags isn't helping, which is why my slowatus from before is now a full hiatus -- I'll still be trying to get my backtags done and everything, but until I get my health back in order and the piles of work out of the way, please be prepared for a rather glacial pace for those (though tbh so it has been for these past few weeks already sigh).

This shouldn't last much longer than a couple of weeks, hopefully! Sorey and Constance will be on autopilot, Bucky and Stiles will sleep away* (to Sebastian's great delight, I'm sure). Thank you all so much for your patience ♥

* in the "suspended animation" kind of way, not the "suddenly die in their sleep" way. just to clarify.

Jan. 29th, 2016



Hi guys, so my computer is slowly but surely dying. I need to replace its hard drive, but I won't be able to do that until next week... so it means in the meantime that my computer is sluggish and slow to start.

Couple that with the fact that I have massive loads of work to do both for my own studies as well as my students' work, and you have one busy Robin. Plus, my family is visiting next week.

Blah blah blah, basically I'll be rather slow with tags for the next week or so. Thank you in advance for your patience as I churn my way through all of this. ♥

Jan. 25th, 2016


Back in black~ or Victorian lace anyway

C-combo break. ;_;

So, Fennec here, doing this a little backwards and announcing my return from a long, unannounced hiatus. Sorry for disappearing on everybody, I had a RL emergency that made it extremely difficult to RP, and had to take time off to take care of that. Thankfully, almost all is well again! The absence has been cleared by the lovely, understanding mods and I'm now back in the thick of tagging.

As for his older tags, I'll be poking through those in a few days or so. Please feel free to ignore any tags you get from him if you feel the thread's too old to continue.

So basically, tl;dr: Ciel is open for shenanigans again, poke me where you want him to go. ~(˘▾˘~)

Jan. 18th, 2016



Hi guys, Celen here! The next two/two-and-a-half weeks are going to be super busy for me work-wise, with having to grade a ton of essays/exams/whatnot so this is a pre-emptive notice that tags will most likely be slow as I'll be drowning in work... I'll still be tagging the threads I already have, as often as I can manage, but probably won't be starting any new threads until I'm free from the workload lmao.

Everyone's staying and all, thanks for the understanding guys ♥

Jan. 9th, 2016



Hi Kiseki, Ebs here letting you know that I'm taking a hiatus for a few weeks with Pepper. I'm feeling really overwhelmed and trying to force it is only making it worse, unfortunately, so I'm hoping giving myself an "official" breather will help me get back into the swing of things here. Thanks and sorry for being fail lately, everyone. ;;

Jan. 3rd, 2016



Just calling a slowatus because my arm's acting up again and it's making typing a bit of a torture at times. Everyone stays, I'll still be around, just slow overall.

Dec. 19th, 2015



Hello! You might've seen me mentioning on Plurk, but I still wanted it to make it official here. Tomorrow I leave for a mini vacation and to spend Christmas so I'l be gone until the 26th/27th (because I don't know at what time we'll leave on the 26th). All my guys will be on autopilot until then!

This affects Bishamon [info]wontrunagain, Yukine [info]aguidinglight, Pearl [info]beyourrock, d'Artagnan [info]allthereasons, Freya [info]andalake and Leo Elster [info]cannotforget.

Have a nice Christmas!

Dec. 17th, 2015



Hi everyone, Robin here just dropping in to say that through the three factors of holidays + crappy internet connection + being eaten alive by Mass Effect games, I'm calling a slight semi-hiatus. I'm anticipating it'll only take at most a week and all that (and I know that most of us will be away-ish later next week for obvious reasons).

But yes, everybody is staying but I just might be a bit slow/inconsistent with tagging. I apologize for that but also thanks everyone for your patience and understanding! ♥

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