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Jul. 2nd, 2016


+1 crankypants elf

Hey friends. Sooo this is Ana, bringing balance back to the universe- I mean, bringing in Fenris from Dragon Age after however many months of promise shush a banana is never late.

Stats are over here and the intro is HERE. If anyone would like info or clarification on anything please let me know! (And thanks for bearing with me the past few weeks, hoping to jump start better from here on.)

As a side note Anne was sent back and will be canon updated to season 3 (like Porthos and Aramis have been!) in her next appearance as well, just to note that officially.


Jun. 22nd, 2016


Finally back from hiatus land!

Just as the title says! And I'll be taking advantage of the fact that my guys left while I was away to update some of them! This will affect Yukine, who will now come from chapter 67, and Pearl, who will now come from Hit the Diamond. It's great to be back! I'll be throwing everyone to the insomia log in a bit.

Apr. 9th, 2016



Dearest friends, Porthos is leaving Kiseki and will return, updated to 3x01 .

Assume he left shortly after the most recent log. He will be back as soon as I update his icons.

(and let me know if you want to avoid spoilers, of course)

ETA: Reintro is here!

Feb. 28th, 2016


yes hello

Look I held on for long enough. Steven is back! Updated to the latest released episode, Log Date, so beware spoilers and PLEASE do let me know if you actually care about those.

Stats are here | Intro is here!

Nov. 30th, 2015



JL here bringing back Shinah (& Ao) from Akatsuki no Yona! More pukkyuus for everyone. He's been updated to chapter 108, so he'll be slightly more open. Slightly.

Stats be HERE, intro HERE.

ETA: In yet more "JL stop reapping people" shenanigans - David is back! Same canonpoint as earlier, different journal this time.

Stats HERE | Intro is HERE.

Nov. 18th, 2015


Various drops

Hi guys, just dropping a note to say that Fran has decided to leave Kiseki - which means that Hawke and The Inquisitor will both be going back home to Thedas. I am still crying about it.

And on that note, I'll also be dropping Isabela - been struggling with her voice and even though she's a relatively quieter character of mine, I'm hoping that cutting back on my thread count might help me feel more on top of things. Don't miss her too badly - her horrible puns and sexual innuendo will live on forever in our hearts.

Thank you everyone for playing with her - and for playing with Fran while she was here ;^; (crai).

ETA: JL is piggbacking off this sad post for happy news. Syao has been canon-upaded, yay! To chapter 15 of TWC, yay! You can find him here!

Aug. 30th, 2015


Three people for the price of one

Hello everyone, get ready for the c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker. That is, a new character is involved (but I am not a new mun, I am a boring old mun lol who cares). BUT! Anyway, your three mods here with three things to say and just compressing it into one place so the ooc comm isn't spammed.

1. Robin is picking up Athos here from The Musketeers. I shall edit with stats & intro accordingly. He was here for fourth wall but then was whisked away, but then returned. By the nature of his canonpoint + Milady being here, he'll have... uh, gotten here a few days ago and just been, you know, busy. He'll have his "intro" at Porthos' birthday party presently. I'll add a link once he's there.

ETA: stats & intro

Sadly, because I am playing way too many people as I've joked in ooc intros... So, sadly, I'll be dropping Sakura for the time being. She'll disappear shortly after Porthos' birthday party. Thanks for all the CR and threads, everyone. ♥

2. JL has dropped Mako, as well.

3. Ana is going to be pulling Queen Anne from Kiseki for a canonupdate to 2x10, as well! That means goodbye to the baby dauphin... She and her bb son will return home the day after Porthos' birthday party. But Anne herself will return!

Aug. 26th, 2015


Update and a one character hiatus

Hello! Just leaving a little note here to say that I'll be updating Leo to the end of Season 1 (1x08) and that I'll be putting Kija on hiatus so I can re-read Akayona since I've been having a bunch of troubles with his voice.

Jul. 31st, 2015


un-slowatus and canon update (yet again)

HELLO this is Celen, again, this time announcing that I'm no longer slowatus-ing here, so that means threadjacking rules are back to normal!

Also because I have no self-restraint, I'm sending Stiles back for yet another canon update, look forward to it... and because why not make it double the trouble, Constance is going back, too, and will return at the next convenient moment with a name change

That's all for now until I post something here again clearly Robin needs some company so she doesn't have to inhabit the ooc comm all by herself

Jul. 7th, 2015


Robin again........ I AM WEAK.

Is anyone surprised?



ETA: Stats & re-intro

lmao okay maybe I should give some info. I AM PICKING HOOK BACK UP, clearly. He has been updated to the end of season 3, episode 22.

Before, when he was here, he stayed on his ship rather than the hotels. In an effort to make sure he doesn't become more isolated, I'm having him not bring his ship in (now that I actually know the trajectory of season 3, I know Hook wouldn't necessarily ask for it back, given that he gave it away as a price), and therefore he'll be staying at the hotel like everyone else.

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