November 19th, 2015

[info]pleb in [info]kiseki_ooc

+1 gentleman spy

Hi! I'm Gemma. You may remember me from such previous kids as the poor confused baby Morgana, and... no, that's about it. Anyway, I've been gone a while but hello I finally get to come back! And with me is coming Eggsy of Kingsman fame, ready to ruin everything.

One thing that is very important is that Eggsy is pretty genre/canon-savvy to a lot of the people here already, and will not so much break as completely obliterate the fourth wall given half a chance. Of course I'll be checking permissions and things but if you want to be a sport and just come out and tell me if it's okay for some random chav to insist you're that bloke off the telly that would be fantastic! Also he already knows a Merlin and a Lancelot and definitely killed Arthur himself, so that should be fun.

His app is here and stats are here for your referencing pleasure.