November 4th, 2015

[info]iwannaretire in [info]kiseki_ooc

Slowatus and stuff

Isil here, reporting herself. As you might have noticed, the past couple of weeks I've been slower in the game. This in part because of a lack of inspiration from my english brain (yes, apparently I've got two brains), and the preparations for two big events currently happening in my other game. Because of the latter, I'll probably stay slower this and next week, but then I'll make my less-slower-return in all its glory.

Also, because of my slower activity these weeks, I wasn't able to be as involved as I would've liked in the vampire!AU event damn it, self. I'm aware there are a couple of planned plots I sorta left pending, but I'm still up to return to them if there are people interested. I still haven't decided if I'm gonna send Jaeha to the second log of the event, but I'll definitely be sending him to the last log-- if you want him anywhere else (even in the first log of the event), please let me know!

That'd be all for now, stay classy.

EDIT: welp, and my slowatus turned out into a full hiatus. I'll be mostly mia until mid december, when school hell finally comes to an end. In the meantime, I've decided to put Jae-ha under suspended animation. But never fear, he'll jump right into action hah!1 as soon as I'm a free elf again.