September 26th, 2015

[info]wantingtoride in [info]kiseki_ooc

drops & app

So, Robin here officially saying my slowatus is over. Still getting the hang of school so there might be times when I can't tag as consistently as I did over the summer, but I'll get my groove and go from there.

Sadly, I'm going to be cutting back my character load - just a little bit, at least. Sadly, I'll be dropping Hook and Connie. I never got comfortable enough with Hook (what a shocker, sigh) so I apologize for bringing him back just to ditch him. And with Connie, while I love playing her, I do need to cut back on my character load. Once things are settled, I might bring her back, though. Thanks to everyone who played with both of them.

Also, I'll be bringing back Arthur some time this week.

And then finally, I'm bringing in a new character (to completely contradict my point above). The Iron Bull (the 'the' is very important) from Dragon Age Inquisition! He's a big awesome dude who used to be a spy and is now a mercenary captain and a marshmallow hardened by the world just in general pretty cool. idk. he's hard to sum up. (he'd also make a joke from the 'hard' comment.)

ETA: Intro & stats!