June 16th, 2015

[info]soaringleg in [info]kiseki_ooc


Alright, as you guys might have noted, my tags have been kind of sporadic ever since around the beginning of May. That is because I don't have a proper internet connection and unless I am willing to spend the entire day in front of my laptop (and even then, sometimes I get only to do 5 tags or so because loading problems) and can't even access my e-mail office on a normal day.

Considering I was supposed to get my normal internet today and it didn't work out again (it's like the third time now) I'm making an official note of this now.

If there is anything I dropped that you wanted to continue/if I should tag into anything then please tell me because I need to refresh a lot. I'll put up a thread tracker post up for this purpose so that I can directly check up what I should tag.