February 14th, 2015

[info]trappedinresin in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey all. So I know I made a bunch of plans recently, and I apologize for that! But I think, for the time being, I'm going to drop from the game. Things in RL have been busy of late, and I'm trying to get better about managing my time. Unfortunately it can get difficult between games sometimes, verses being easier to app multiple people in the same game (How do people do this in more than one?? Can someone share their secrets?) as well as work and dealing with a few personal things that are leaving me struggling a lot.

All of that said, Kiseki is a gem and I love the game and everyone here! So this place has nothing to do with any of that. The mods are awesome and the player base the best, so I'll most likely be back again with Yuuki and maybe some others in a couple months if I can improve things. This only affects Yuuki and Ty Lee. If we're only added for the game, feel free to unfriend me on plurk! Otherwise, I'd love to keep everyone. ♥