February 12th, 2015

[info]earthskills in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hi, my name is Mandy! I'm new to the game, bringing in the character Clarke Griffin from the 100. If you go to my profile page, you can find handy links to my bio and stats/permissions. I've tried to set everything up to be as easy as possible.

My plurk can be found here and I would love it if you friended me! It's my main source of contact right now, so if you want to contact me about anything with rp, that's the way to go.

I look forward to playing with each of you. If you're reading this, I already know you're awesome. <3

[info]forpligtet in [info]kiseki_ooc

You'd think after 23 years in the frozen north...

...I would have learned how to walk on ice without slipping. But no, apparently I have not. I've managed to give myself a (small and quite harmless, I promise) concussion, so I'll be absent - or, let's be honest, more like slow - for a couple of days to let my poor rattled brain rest.

The Blizzard event will still happen on schedule, because clearly I'm a vindictive person somewhere deep down. Until then, however, I might not be around all that much.