February 10th, 2015

[info]milfleur in [info]kiseki_ooc

Extended hiatus...

Hey guys, it's Ana again. Still having some trouble getting back into things and I think this will go on for some time yet (maybe another two weeks or more depending) due to rl/work. While I try to sort stuff out, I wanted to give an update on my characters for now.

Anne and Robin will be going home for canon updates as of now.
The rest (Asami, Emma, Lance and Art) will be in the suspended animation sleep eggs and wake up gradually once I start jumping back in. Emma would have fallen asleep as of now, the others can be assumed to have already been asleep since my absence the past couple of weeks.

Feel free to poke me if there are any questions or need me to adjust notes on anything about this. Sorry for all this and thanks again \;3;/