October 19th, 2014

[info]tuxedo in [info]kiseki_ooc

newbie alert~!

hello hello, kiseki! my name's tamzin, and i'm very much fresh meat to these parts. i was lured here by your wonderful chibi-usa player, sammy, and am thus bringing you the girl's eighteen-year-old father, chiba mamoru — aka tuxedo kamen, prince endymion, and king endymion. i'm still kind of new to his character in spite of being in the sailor moon fandom since the early 90s, so go easy on me! he'll be hailing from the manga continuity, my preferred flavor of sailor moon canon, and will be from just before the events of the stars arc for dead and evil reasons. yes.

anywho, i'm terrible with intros, so i'll just leave y'all with my plurk and skedaddle to work on uploading more icons. i'm looking forward to playing with everyone!! ♥

[info]pinkifying in [info]kiseki_ooc


unfortunately I failed AC with Rumple twice, so though I love playing him, he's going home for a while! hopefully not indefinitely; I hope to bring him back if he comes bothering me in my head again.

but I'm still around with pinkybutt here and Athos!