October 7th, 2014

[info]spiritjourneys in [info]kiseki_ooc

oh hello there

Hi, I'm Ellie and I'm back after 8000000 years. I used to play here back in the olden days of Kiseki when it was still CLAMP-only. But I have returned with Jinora from Legend of Korra. She's from the end of Book 3, just after being freed from the cave. So she won't be all that cheerful what with things being dicey back home. She's essential a master-level Airbender, meaning she can manipulate air. And she has a strong spiritual sensitivity, meaning spirits might occasionally pop out of nowhere and follow her around! She can also detach her spirit from her body in a kind of astral projection. More info about her powers is available here!

I'm really excited to play with everyone. ♥