September 7th, 2014

[info]wiltingorchid in [info]kiseki_ooc

:D hiiii kiseki

Soooo, didja miss him? :D

He wasn't gone for very long, but I've worked on managing my time better and missed him a lot and this game is wonderful and...!

I missed you Kiseki. D:

For those who don't know, this is Kaname Kuran, manipulative, genocidal, terrible, powerful, ten thousand plus year old pureblood vampire who pretty much is the worst person ever and you should never be friends with. Stay away. If he finds someone useful, or thinks they might be, he will be watching them. If he decides they aren't and they are troublesome, he might find ways to get them out of his way.

Anyway, here are his stats. Don't be concerned about his godmode self, he won't use them unless he has to, and I will discuss anything beforehand.

My Plurk is the best way to reach me.

Now, come here so I may smother you and ruin your characters' lives.

ETA: oh yeah, I'm Taisa. Pleased to meet you!