July 30th, 2014

[info]latent in [info]kiseki_ooc

New character!

I was really subtle about this one, I know.

Hi guys, this is Ana, bring in Art from Hamatora The Animation, coming in from episode 7 but before the thing we will not speak of. I'll be introing him in the latest log soon, and his stats are over here! But please let me know if you have any questions about anything. (Warning for spoilers towards the end of his app and abilities/injury permissions in his stats.)

ETA: Okay, have an intro comment here!

Sadly, this comes with the news that I'll be dropping Kamui ([info]preys) for the time being. IT HAS BEEN A WONDERFUL RUN and this was a difficult move for me to make but I think I should stop while I'm ahead with this one and see if the inspiration comes back in the future. Thanks so much to everyone that played with him, both recently and over the years!

u_u ♥