July 8th, 2014

[info]lacus_clyne in [info]kiseki_ooc

+ 1 Pink Princess

Hello, Everyone!

My name is Michi and I am new here to Kiseki. I have been accepted for a while, but due to one circumstance to another I haven't had time to familiarize myself with the community and introduce myself. I apologize for that.

Now that I am here, I would also like to introduce my character, Lacus Clyne from the anime Gundam SEED/Destiny. She is an former idol,kind and almost motherly. She still at times showcase her child-like personality but one shouldn't forget that she is a war survivor, so despite her innocent appearance she is much more matured than people think.

You can find her stats here or add my plurk.

Thank you for having me! I love CLAMP, so this is a dream come true!