March 7th, 2014

[info]preys in [info]kiseki_ooc

Semi to maybe full hiatus.

Hey all, so I'm calling a hiatus for the next two weeks or so (starting the 11th) because I am a moron who scheduled some really long hours at work after this weekend and I've been struggling in general with... stuff and my brain. And yes.

Affects this guy, Emma, Lancelot, Robin, and Saya. Godmod rights go to the appropriate castmates/close CR and feel free to hit me up on plurk for anything else, I'll still have access and all.

Thanks, as always. I love you guys.

[info]wiltingorchid in [info]kiseki_ooc

+1 Vampire Leader

Hello, everyone! I'm Taisa, very new here, and encouraged many times by your Yuuki player to come. So I finally have, thanks to your very welcoming 4th wall! /o/

I bring Kaname Kuran and Yuuki's soap opera of a life with him. He's a very detached person, generally cool and polite to people who don't know him or he doesn't know or care for. Unless you are Zero, or anyone who dares cross his path or someone he thinks would be better off dead or if you mess with Yuuki, because then he will... probably try!

Anyway, not too many will have to worry about him, at least not yet. You can find a list of his abilities here and if you have any questions or concerns, let me know! I'll work on a permissions post when I can brain what I want it to say.

It's nice to meet all of you and I am excited to get started! You can friend me on <a href="> if you want or need me for anything.