January 20th, 2014

[info]jeuxvoyant in [info]kiseki_ooc

hiatus + drops

Hi guys, I'm pretty sure most of you are already aware of my state of health, which, frankly, sucks balls. So as I'm trying to get better and at the same time juggle the million uni things that have piled up while I was even more sick than I am now, I can't really devote that much time to RP, or more like I need an official permission for myself to fail at activity. In other words, it's hiatus time again, I am so, so sorry for being so flake-y with my activity lately. 8( Hopefully I'll be able to throw in a few tags here and there, so I won't disappear entirely.

There are some who are disappearing entirely, however - I can't in good conscience try to manage five charas right now, which means I have to let some of them go. The ones going home for now are Law and Yamamoto, thanks so much for everyone who played with them! ♥ My other three are staying, and godmodding rights go to castmates as usual!

Apologies once more for sucking at life in general and thanks for putting up with my fail you darling beings ily all ;~;