January 10th, 2014

[info]lendahand in [info]kiseki_ooc

Update + Drop

Alrighty, I was hoping to hold off until I could counterbalance this drop with a new app, but since nothing is really poking me enough to work up the energy to app, I might as well just take the plunge: I'll be dropping Zuko! Thanks to everyone who played with him! He was a blast to play (har har, fire, I know hilarious) but mister grumptastic is going back to avatar land to teach Aang how to firebend and all that fun stuff.

Meanwhile, Hook will be going "home" too, but just for a canon update to the mid-season finale. Cause why the fuck not, right? I'll still be doing his tags though, obviously, just not starting any new ones until he comes back. in b4 no one cares cause he's not as important as everyone else LOL ILU HOOK.

/flies away

[info]betterwithher in [info]kiseki_ooc

As promised, everyone's favorite asshat has returned! His canon has been updated slightly, so check out his journal for more information!