November 4th, 2013

[info]andalusional in [info]kiseki_ooc

how do you knooooow~~~there's a new character?

hi everyone it's kri! send help

i apped a pretty pretty princess and here she is! it's giselle from enchanted! add her! \8D/ i'm doomed o3o

THIS IS SO EXCITING HEEEEE oh god oh god we're all gonna die

[info]oneminutegoal in [info]kiseki_ooc

D: ;;

I was waiting on this to see if it came back, but I've been struggling with Mana so I think it's best if I drop her for now. I WANTED to replace her with someone new but since I still am flip-flopping on who I want to bring in... alas, only a drop for now.

Thanks for playing with her, everyone! ♥