May 30th, 2013

[info]nantokanaruyo in [info]kiseki_ooc

Slowatus/possible full hiatus

Hey everyone! I am moving out this Saturday morning if all goes as planned, and I am not quite sure what the situation with internet will be like. It'll be a priority because otherwise I'm incommunicated almost entirely, but there's a chance I'll be net-less for some days, so if you don't hear from me that day, consider me on a full hiatus. It'll affect everyone I play, they all stay around, etcetc.

For now though, I'm extremely distracted because I got my drawing mojo back, so I'm calling a slowatus anyway. I'm still around, just kind of failing lol. Poke me on Plurk/Skype/etc for anyhing you need, obviously o/

[info]swan_song in [info]kiseki_ooc


It's probably been apparent the past couple of weeks, but, yeah my activity has been crap. I'm going to be taking one more week of hiatus to get myself straightened out and see where I go from there. Feel free to drop any threads with me that are too old, but I'll try to respond to everything properly at that point.

Sorry, everyone. All my characters are staying. This affects Clone Syaoran, Kamui, Kotori, Mikoto, Saya and Spider.