March 7th, 2013

[info]myotherpromise in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hiatus notice

Making this official: I'm calling a hiatus to last at least the rest of the week. I feel silly posting this, considering it's only three more days, but JL did say she wanted people to make hiatus announcements here, so here I am!

Anyway, I'm too sick to so much as stay on the computer for more than ten minutes at a time, and really can't command enough brain energy to tag consistently. I'm hoping to be back at full force when I'm feeling better, though, and let's all hope that won't take too long.

No one's leaving or anything, sorry for being such a failure lately, everyone. ;3;

[info]untilmylast in [info]kiseki_ooc

... So...

Clearly I couldn't allow Robin to be the only loser to app two charas within, what, less than a week?

SO UH anyway. JL, picking up X's Kamui Shirou. Add him and all that, I still gotta make icons for him and set up a few things and then he'll get his intro \o/