February 13th, 2013

[info]remainsherself in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hiatus? Semi-hiatus!?

Posting this up now since I'm working a good chunk of the morning/afternoon tomorrow anyway: I will be on a tentative hiatus (hopefully more of a semi-hiatus!) with my characters starting early Friday through to maybe Tuesday. Dentist shenanigans and all that. This might extend to Wednesday depending on how my first day back at work after goes.

So I will be wrapping up some older threads wherever possible and everyone is staying until further notice! Might pop in after my appointment on Friday and let you guys know how bad it is or isn't and go from there. But either way I expect I'll be sleeping a lot more than anything else, SO... Yeah.

Affects Saya, TRC!Kamui, Kotori, Syaoran and Spider. Thanks guys.