December 30th, 2012

[info]alittledove in [info]kiseki_ooc


Hi, me again.

Big apologies for the fail everyone. These past few weeks have been super busy with the holidays and I've had more hours than ever, which ultimately means I'm brain dead by the time I get home. Until after New Years week I probably will still be scarce. I think I'm going to make 70 some hours this week, so... OTL

So although this is super late in coming (Huge apologies JL ;; I have so much catching up to do) I'm going to call a hiatus until then. MAN. December is supposed to be a fun month. Work needs to stop sucking away everyone's lives.

[info]remainsherself in [info]kiseki_ooc


Hey guys, this is Ana. After a few months break for her, I am officially bringing back Saya from Blood-C to the game!

She will be arriving from around the midway point in episode 9, with her memories of last time I played her in Kiseki intact, probably to the confusion of others who only met her when someone else played her, WELP. Shenanigans ahead! Let's be fair and say this is all not nearly as bad as her own real memories up in a nice jumble, thanks canon.

Anyway, please add [info]remainsherself and all that. Proper IC intro will be up in a little, thanks!

[info]seizingramen in [info]kiseki_ooc


Hey guys, sorry for this being sudden, but as of right now I'm not making AC with Hana, and I've already got a strike from last month, so I'm going to have to drop Hana for now. Hopefully I can bring her back when I have more energy to put into playing her, this year just hasn't been a good one for RP motivation. Sorry for being a huge flake with her, but thanks for all the fun CR I got with her.

Go ahead and friend remove seizingramen.